It's alive! It's alive! Listen closely and you can hear the mad cackling of our AI programmer, Sorian. He takes great joy in making Planetary Annihilation's robot intelligences even more lifelike -- and this week he's sharing his work. Prepare for the pain. Starting now, expect to see more dynamic AI in certain previously troublesome scenarios. For instance, the Planetary Annihilation's AI can now target your Commanders specifically with nukes. Previously, the AI did a quick calculation about the structures around enemy Commanders before blasting a Commander into oblivion. Now, the AI will just let 'em rip, regardless of the metal value of the structures in the surrounding area. Today's update also includes a host of fixes across multiple parts of the game (including those pesky econ alerts). Check out the patch notes for all of the major fixes: [AI] The AI will react better when the only intel it has is radar blips. [AI] AI commanders will return to the safety of their base when they have nothing better to do. [AI] The AI will act to remove all land and air threats once there are no more econ threats. [AI] AI land platoons are now less likely to run away once they have made it into an enemy base. [AI] The AI commander can now help out planet wide if the AI controls the whole planet. [AI] AI will now target commanders with nukes, regardless of the metal value of the structures around him. [Galactic War] The default gw game name is no longer 'New Game'. The format is now 'War - ' + dd//mm/yyyy. [Gameplay] Fix for radars continuing to work when set to conserve energy. [Gameplay] Oribtal transports now ignore goal collisions when loading and unloading. [Gameplay] The goal radius for load and unload has been shrunk. [Graphics] Reduce memory overhead of impostors by ~10MB for large systems by using shared depth buffers. [Localization] Huge loc additions. Added: Korean, Arabic [Notifications] Added combat tracking (currently based on units destroyed). the 'acknowedge alert' action will now zoom to the latest combat if there are no other alerts. Also added a specific 'zoom to combat' command. [Notifications] Fix for the repeating low cmdr health warning. this just prevents it from firing if your cmdr (the one you spawned with) dies. [Notifications] Audio tweaks to reduce the frequecy of economy overflow warnings. [UI] Quick fix for the invisible console bug. this removes the default binding for toggle console. This fixes the UI lockup issue some people would encounter when hitting the ~ by mistake. [UI] Changed the unit celestial path shader to be solid instead of faded. [UI] The ui will now remember your display name after you leave the main menu.
Supertiny bug report (maybe even feature request?). Currently media/ui/main/game/gamestats/gamestats.js is missing the loadMods line, so it's effectively unmoddable. Could you dump that in for the next release? It just needs Code: // inject per scene mods if (scene_mod_list['gamestats']) { loadMods(scene_mod_list['gamestats']); } just before Code: // setup send/recv messages and signals app.registerWithCoherent(model, handlers); I have need for modding the gamestats scene.
A little hack as global mod should help you in the meantime? var oldRegister = app.registerWithCoherent; app.registerWithCoherent = function(m, h) { if (window.location.href indexOf (gamestats) !== -1) { // load your mod } oldRegister(m, h); }
Ah, brilliant! I was just shadowing the file to include the loadMods functions before, but this is way better.
Though maybe that looks only cool and doesnt actually work. I was having the same issue in the lobby a few month back and then I either didnt came up with this or I tried and it doesnt work because app.registerWithCoherent potentially is defined in the wrong place.
Hmm, yeah. I put a console.log statement in there and it didn't turn up in de Live Game: Stats scene. There may be something else wrong with the mod though. It's very much a work in progress.
The memory optimizations have massively improved the experience on my 4gb system Also, I like how the ai is getting better and better. Keep going !
I know that sorian will propably want to sick a SXX onme for this, but I think they could use an easy setting that is not that nuke-happy (but maybe builds some anti-nukes). Different planet normal AI can be a bit daunting for the beginner.
your obsession with AI anti-nukes astounds me lol ide rather the AI build more then 5 factories per planet to be able to deal with players that just mass and run AI over
It makes it too easy late game, with no Anti nukes Just to point out a good thing, the AI is doing a good job taking the moons with halley option.
If they build factories, they will use them. We know what happens if you have lot's of units in a confined space with nothing to cause attrition - slow Sim speed. I think it was recently reordered so the AI is not longer required to build 5 Basic facotries before it starts on advanced when alone on thier planet. Going for offense is a good idea. Nothing can ruin your enemies day as a nuke on the head and chances are you will not need an anti-nuke (because you just destroyed his launchers/T2 engineers & factories/energy) and he will scramble jsut to build one A-Nuke and arm it. "In war your goal should be victory - not eternal battle" - Tsun Tzu.
I've been experiencing extremely laggy plays in GW so far.. EuWest server. Also, simply starting the game and accessing the playfab makes the GPU run pretty much at max load, that is an unusual behavior.
I previously reported a bug with the Pip intercepting clicks on the Build Menu if behind the build menu (overlaps with rightmost two rows on 1366x768 Resolutions). The issues does not appear anymore when zoomed to a planet surface, but if you are viewing the system map in the pip instead it is in full effect.
Looks like Nuclear missiles cannot be fired anymore against an orbital body in movement. I tried targetting both the halley, an area nearby and orbital units nearby. But the nuke would just not launch. System: 1 Gas Giant with 3 close planets and 1 very far off, haleyable object (needs eternity to get there/get away from there).