Using the Blueprint Info Framework, I've been working on a unit database that can be seen in-game and is generated directly from the game's data files. Known Issues: Buildable projectiles will not show names/descriptions, as these do not appear in the data files (their appearance in-game is due to a hard-coded hack). Units in the "Other" category will not appear in the "Builds" or "Built By" lists of other units, or in the Unit Type views. This is by design. Commander sounds do not work Does not yet support the new armor system
Looks really good! Will we be able to easily bring up stats on a unit in-game with a floating ui window? I'm think something like select the unit, then press F1
It's there, next to HP. The icons/layout are just first pass though. I'm thinking of moving HP & Metal cost above the unit types (moving the unit ID elsewhere), then put a "Navigation" or "Movement" heading and put the movement stats under that, rather than have them all on the one row. Edit: Image updated with these changes I want to make it like the in-game browser, so you can just call "openUnitDatabase(unitID)" or somesuch, possibly even having the option of a compact view showing just one unit and it's core stats, too. It can then be tied into either/both an icon over the build menu pic or as you suggest a button press when a unit is selected.
Nice I knew somebody was going to do this eventually . Was thinking the same when I was messing with loading data from the json's.
It would be cool if you could show that information in the factory menus (where it currently says the unit's name, description and price) and when hovering over a unit (as currently in the bottom left corner).
Definitely possible. All you need is the unitID or json file path to be able to get the full unit specs. I've updated the image in the first post. Ammo files are now loaded by BIF, so I've started to incorporate the weapon data. Still WIP. There's also an Icon next to the weapon name that can be clicked to hear the weapon fire sound, and I'm planning a similar thing for the movement sound. Should the pictures in the "Builds" / "Built By" lists be build pics or strategic icons?
I originally thought it would be too small (the build icons are smaller than the main unit picture), but I just tried it and it looks ok:
I've been busy most of the weekend, but I did get some more work done on this, though much of it behind the scenes in the blueprint info framework. Units are now sorted into the same order as they appear in-game, and are grouped into basic & advanced. * Non-buildable units and base units are filtered out (this is dynamically calculated by recursing through the build trees starting with the commander). * More weapon stats added. Unit types can be clicked to see all units that have that type (see image below). Added a loading screen. Loading (including caching all the build tree data) only takes a second or two for me (I don't even see the loading screen), but it may be noticeable for others. * Functionality that allows this is built into the blueprint info framework.
Not yet ready for PAMM release, but for any eager bodies, here's the mod! There will be some missing/bad information displayed, please point out any that you come across. Consider both mods to be Beta for now.
Just a reference; I can't wait to try this out but haven't gotten the chance yet. It looks completely epic.
This is very cool. Is it possible for you to simply dump the stats out to a spreadsheet? I love raw data.
Not an immediate priority unfortunately, but this has me interested to see if it can be done within PA.