@tatsujb Your mods use dropboxusercontent for hosting your mod's icons. Could you switch to the PAMM repo? The dropboxusercontent pics don't always show up in PAMM so it would work better to use the repo. Just stick your icons in the icons folder and use this link format to add the image to your modinfo.json: Code: http://pamods.github.io/icons/ICON.png
nope. not unless you get GetHub to stop being a é&"'(-çè*$$! and a 'è(-çàzé"('^ùù*$! and also a dirty "_è'(çèé"èé"^ùù$*:n! if you're willing to get it working with me through teamviewer than fine but so far here's where I'm at :
Well I make it a habit not to use command line git unless I really need to. It's a pain to do it that way. Just download the github windows client here: https://github-windows.s3.amazonaws.com/GitHubSetup.exe Then just sign in, clone the repo, make your changes, run the list gen exe, and send a pull request.
heh I showed you that because I though you'd tell me to try the command line if I showed you the error on Git but trust me there is no working commands for Git if you haven't installed the ....gah! I can't even call it a client, ...the mockery, if you will. I can't even get it to work through the mockery. I found footage of the making of Github windows mockery, if that interests you by the way :
Yeah, I hate it too but it's basically the simplest git client out there so that's why I suggested it for you. I looked back over the screenshot of the command prompt that you posted and I think I know where you went wrong. You tried to push changes directly to the repo but you can't since you're not a member. Try forking the repo here and then download it and make your changes. Once your done, push the changes back to your repo and then make a pull request through the site.
ah that makes more scene, you know the workings of this thing really aren't aided by all these fashion terms. That said, THIS IS REDICULOUS ! come help me out, I still can't commit, is this dumbass program trying to sync something from other projects as well? how come I can't review or chose what's in the sync button? Who made this uncluttered fashionable piece of s hit program so that I can personally strangle him?
ok, so how far along are you? I'm guessing that you forked the repo like I showed, but I don't know if you downloaded it and made your changes. If you haven't then the sync button will just download the repo for you.
Yeah, it looks like you're trying to commit to the main branch (which you can't do because you're not in the group). Try committing to a new branch or forking it.
because you made those changes to the master branch. Now sync your new branch, make your changes, and commit.
didn't work (just a small note to say how much your time is appreciated even though I'm as gifted as a one-legged piglet. )
lol, thanks. I think @raevn has teamviewer installed and setup BTW so he might be able to help you. Could you post a few screenshots of the user interface and the current status of my repo files currently on your machine? I'll try to figure it out from there.
sure could you be a little more specific though? I mean, only the App? (cuz gosh, not much there...) and what parts of it?
Here, I'll just make this easy for you. It's not the best idea to make a habit of this, but whatever. Just post your icons below and I'll add them to the repo.
working on an extension to my icons mod, any opinions welcome. I'm changing the icons over at " \ui\alpha\live_game\img\build_bar\units " : Anybody think this is a good idea and that I should go through with this? this version of the icon pack will only be for those who enjoyed GAZ_UI in FA and are 100% familiar with the FA icons, enough so that this be more comforting. the whole Idea came with playing with a friend today in PA who'd never played PA before whose first impressions were that the icons in the build bar were the least bit instinctive and were giving him terrible pains to distinguish. I then realized they only made scene to me because I'd gotten really used to them.
I like the idea but would do it a bit different. Use BIF to get the strategic icon from the game. So it will work with all the strategic icon mods and show the correct icon.