All units leave more valuable wrecks. Mobile units do not affect collision/pathing (except ground titans) Nanoswarm damage has been nerfed (increasing wreckage makes things more vulnerable to metal damage) Tip: Use area commands to reclaim wreckage. - - Changes ## 2.0.1 - Unit updates for 116982 (esp Custom58) ## 2.0.0 - Based on titans units (mostly affects orbital) - Mobile unit wrecks don't affect collision/pathing (except for ground titans) - Nanoswarm damage nerfed (increasing wreckage makes things more vulnerable to metal damage) ## 1.0.5 - Update for +sing, and some allow underground flags I missed ## 1.0.4 - Unit updates for 79317
I think it's a problem for all units due to the path finding. That's the main reason why wreckage was taken off.
No. I mean... if aircraft wrecks can fall to the ground without issue... Why is it so hard for naval wrecks to sink?
Good question. It thought maybe ships needed gravity, but air wrecks float as well. I'd guess that the only things that can go underwater are navigation:amphibious, and I don't know of any way to change navigation for the wreckage.
because the naval aspect of the game is unfinished (not unbalanced, unfinished, no sub-marines, no added water effects, and of course, wreckage floating to the bottom/again, water effects)
Not sure, but you should have know this. Air wreckage was in during alpha,;was removed because people would spam and cover whole bases in wreckage.
I wish we could have the option to make unit wrecks pathable. This would be a different approach between wrecks/no crecks.
Well the commander simply pushes small wrecks out of his way, perhaps this trait can be copied over to all units? Thereby eliminating the pathing issues.
Different units have different push class. Com has highest, followed by advanced fabs, infernos, and vanguards. Most others have equal push class.
I wish we had wreckage like in TA that could turn from a wreck into a patch of metal scraps that didn't block movement but could still be reclaimed. Land units could then "flatten" wrecks on touch thus getting rid of the annoyance for movement but still having the nice scarred battlefield feeling. Make it so ! please ?
Wreckage 2.0.0 - Based on titans units (mostly affects orbital) - Mobile unit wrecks don't affect collision/pathing (except for ground titans) - Nanoswarm damage nerfed (increasing wreckage makes things more vulnerable to metal damage)