So far I unfortunately could not find anything that would cause a crash in GW, however there where some errors in the logs. But i really don't know what they are referring to... If anyone could help me out here It'd be much appreciated. It seems to have something to do with the global.js in the UI folder, however, if I delete the global modlist from the modinfo.json and the mod folder, the problem still exists. Edit: I also tried to remove hodgepodge as a dependency but for some reason the modmanager does not let me uninstall it without disabling the artillery mod. Is there any way one can test and alter modfiles with out altering the zipfiles?
That result is worked out by a script that checks all the files. Are you sure you intended to add _ent to the path of the file?
Alright, I have changed the file-path like you said. It was indeed unneccessary to add _ent to the path as this referred to a json file which in return referred to the pfx. PA still crashes only in GW though and the sad thing is, I can't find the error as the logs dont show what happens at the point of the crash.
Your mod looks realy cool and I would like to try it out, but when I launch a game with it my build menu and command panel to the right is missing. I don't know if a update broke it or if I am missing something... Note: I have tried with ONLY this mod and it's dependencies.
It's a consequence of new commanders not being in the unitlist.json. I'd fix it, but I'm in France right now. Until it's fixed, don't use the commanders introduced in the last update.
Ok makes sence actually. Well thanks for the response and help. Have a good continued stay in France.
New Update! Changelog 2.4: - fixed the unit_list to include the new commanders and fixed a related crash as well - adjusted the guard radius for several units. -reduced the damage for the Meteor from 85 to 75 -reduced the splashradius from 21 to 17 -reduced the splashdamage from 70 to 50 -remove files that were conflicting with other mods
Hey @Heizmeister , It seems your mod is breaking Galactic War these days by disabling the "Go To War" button due to a JavaScript error. Code: [08:03:18.515] ERROR [JS/game] coui://ui/main/game/galactic_war/cards/gwc_splashradius_artillery.js:50: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ; Hope you are still around to fix it.
I am still around, however, since you can not play with mods anymore I don't know how effective a fix would be... I planned to take the GW-part out entirely though
PAMM is now back in operation with a working server, so if you get a fix out it’ll certainly be useable
Alright, I have removed the file that was causing the error, once I update the mod it should be working again. I have never understood why it was causing an error though. Edit: Mod has been updated and the issue has been fixed. I removed the whole mod from GW for now.
tested the mod, generally cool concept, may require new models to distinguish them from the vanilla units .. i´m not so sure about the massive spread these artillery units have and my god if you have a bunch of them they litter the screen with projectiles it´s kinda nuts .. nice effects though ..
Yeah, new models are definately required. I am ,however, neither a 3d-modeller, nor do I have any time at the moment. The massive spread is kind of intended, as well as the slow projectile velocity. It is artillery after all. The effects are made by mirolog btw.
If this is modifying the build.js file it'll need updating to ensure it doesn't break the latest game units e.g. Horsefly.
Modernised with experimental support for Legion Expansion and Second Wave (no longer shadows build.js or icon_atlas.js).