I saw some people wishing the lobby made a noise when new players joined, given how long games can take to start currently. I'm lazy, and this is just as good, so here you go In \PA\media\ui\alpha\lobby\lobby_alpha.js, insert this at line 310: Code: self.chatNotificationTimeout = ko.observable(false); Then, at line 324: Code: if (!self.chatNotificationTimeout()) { self.chatNotificationTimeout(true); engine.call('fire_and_forget_sound', '/SE/UI/UI_Alert_metal_low'); setTimeout(function () { self.chatNotificationTimeout(false); }, 15 * 1000); } This prevents the sound from being played more than once every 15 seconds. Alternatively, here are a few other sounds: engine.call('fire_and_forget_sound', '/SE/UI/UI_Alert_energy_low'); engine.call('fire_and_forget_sound', '/SE/UI/UI_commander_under_attack'); engine.call('fire_and_forget_sound', '/SE/UI/UI_commander_low_health'); engine.call('fire_and_forget_sound', '/SE/UI/UI_under_attack'); Changelog: Added a 15 second timeout to the notification Updated for 51118 :mrgreen:
This is great sneakyness - haven't tried it yet but it will really help when waiting on a slow night for people to appear!