It would be cool if we could jump the "PiP window" from planet to planet like the "Main window" using a button next to each planet in the drop-down system box in game... Example pic of PiP jump buttons in the dropdown menu
We could also do this as a mod easily if Uber doesn't want to do it. Should we make it and then let Uber decide later if they want to include it in the game?
If you want to do it or anyone else it's fine.. I would do it myself but i have limited time to spend on modding at the moment. here's my white PiP icon to match the main screen jump icon.. (Attached PiP.png)
I'm on it! This shouldn't take too long and I think it will be easier to prove the value of this idea to the devs if we have a mod doing it already.
I have it working now, but only when the pip is open. I'll release it as soon as I can fix that bug, but it's a little more complicated than it seems.
Cheers raevn Are people finding this mod useful ?? Just wondering if i should work in some extra ideas to expand it or improve it....
@raevn or @cptconundrum , Is there any feedback from the engine/UI about what planet the game has current focus on.. I was considering making an extension to the mod that highlights the planet you currently have the "pip focus" on in the system drop down box by making the "pip icon blue" like the highlighted planet in the OP picture's system drop down box...
I'm not sure, the mod hasn't been updated for some months now i think. I'll download the game and the mod and update it if it's needed sometime tonight.
I never played it in the first place,, lol My only interest in PA is the "Game engine" by itself, Once uber have built a stable enough game engine i'll be making it into a new game or doing some kind of total conversion.
I haven't got access to my gaming rig for a few days Can someone test this for me and see if it needs an update or if it still works?
When i get back i'll see what i can do. If i can't get it done over the next day or two i'll poke @cptconundrum, He wrote the original mod coding, i just made the icon an had the idea for the mod he did the rest.
Let's just say that I'm very observant.. Edit.. I have played 2 matches.. 1, 1 match against "cyberneticpony" sometime around september 2013 2, 1 Match against the AI sometime near mid november 2013. Only other times i've loaded the game was to bug test, framerate test or to test modifications. During these test i don't play i just test whatever im doing then quit