Hey all, I had this idea where it would be easier to share to friends and allies what mods you are using so I created this little mod. I hope this will also help to spread word about mods to the huge part of the community that is not active on these forums and doesn't know anything about all the awesome that is being developed here! Features Ping list of mods into game lobby. Ping list of mods in a live game. The source code isn't very beautiful as it is: but it works. I plan to refactor before I will add any features. Screenshots Now available on PAMM! I would love to receive some feedback on how I can make this better! Todo: Streamline UI to integrate more seamlessly less cluttery/obtrusive. Cleanup and refactor the source to eliminate code duplication and sport a more object oriented approach. Perfect text to post into chat -- Feedback needed! Thanks to: Raevn - Borrowed a small bit of code to retrieve the installed mods next to awesome mod manager/frameworks. Other mod developers of mods including: Hotbuild2, planetpreview and autofactory for providing very nice examples. The Magnificent Werty
Thanks for the offer but I think I will look into it myself. I just found Raevns guide which seems really comprehensive, shouldn't be to hard.
I just followed raevns guide and forked the pamods repository and initiated the pull request. I guess it should be including pretty soon.
Just finished merging that. You had an issue in the modinfo.json for your other mod though so I had to delete it from the repo. Just fix the issue that I explained in my comment and I'll put it back in.
Nice mod. The only suggestion I have is to add a news item whenever you add a new mod (or do a big update to an existing mod). Keeps people updated and gives your mod some initial exposure.
And one quick suggestion: Put the mod ping button in the live game scene in the chatbox's main div. That way it only would appear when you're using chat and not all the time.
You're right. How do I go about this? I have seen other mods post updates on PAMM but I'm not sure how to achieve this? I'm still not sure where you are encountering issues. Is this something I can fix? I would probably need some more info. I have done this. This is a good idea. I have actually already tried this in the in-game chat, but I encountered some difficult issues with the Knockout binding. My mod currently uses jQuery to bind the onclick event for triggering the post, but the chat also had bindings that close the chat when clicked on anything but the text-box. The KO binding somehow gets precendence over my binding through jQuery and mine gets ignored and the chat closes when you click the button. There is probably a fix for this but it will take some time to look into. I might need to change the KO bindings which are issued to the chat or use KO bindings myself instead of jQuery bindings.
Inside the "pamods.github.io" dir where the modlist.json is, there is also a file called news.html. Edit that.