[REL][CLIENT][BUG-FIX] Bug Fix For Invisible Battleship (Leviathan)

Discussion in 'Released Mods' started by killerkiwijuice, February 13, 2016.

  1. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    This mod will fix the rare invisible leviathan glitch that some users encounter.

    How did I know what was wrong?:
    How did I fix it?:
    • Using the Blender importer/exporter made by @raevn , I was able to import the papa model found in pa's directory. I was then able to export the model as an FBX.
    • The FBX file is now ready to be used with 3DS Max. I imported it and began to understand what was causing the issue. The four guns on the model each have recoil bones, but instead of one for each three muzzles, there was one for each single muzzle. This is definitely not needed and not optimized since the muzzles don't need their own independent recoil bones. To ensure that the model stay exactly as it was found in PA, I had to preserve the UV and collapse the modifier stack just for overkill. The seems were kept exact.
    • I removed the extra recoil bones, keeping one recoil bone for each center muzzle on each gun. The bone count went from 33 to 25.
    • I had to redo the skin modifier, which is fortunately very easy. This was kept on top of the modifier stack to ensure an exact mesh.
    • [​IMG]
    • From here, it was just a matter of exporting as an FBX and converting back to .papa.
    • Next I only had to adjust its anim tree to use the new recoil vertex groups correctly.

    Here is an image of the final bone stack and model:

    Here is a video of the completed and fixed model in-game with perfect textures and animations: (ignore the other mods :) they don't overwrite anything)
    Last edited: February 13, 2016
    billthebluebot, elodea, cdrkf and 5 others like this.

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