Using localisations To use an existing localisation, launch PA.exe via the command line with the argument --locale <code>, where <code> is the language code for the localisation. For example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Planetary Annihilation\PA\PA.exe --locale en-us Creating a new localisation Localisation files can be found in the PA\media\ui\alpha\_i18n\locales folder. The folder names indicate the locale code. To create a new localisation, simply copy an existing folder (eg., dev), and rename it to the code you would like. Inside the folder are a number of json files that correspond to the different "pages" within the game. These contain a list of all text strings that are localised. Simply replace the contents of the "message" attributes with the new text in the chosen language. Code: "signing_in_to_twitch_bitrate": { "description": "(no description)", "message": "All broadcasts are done at 1280x720 resolution with a 3500 max kbps bitrate." }, For a list of locale codes to use as a guide, see Using localised text To Do
be-nl you mean? once there is a translation ready, what would be the proper way to distribute it (to uber and/or the community?)
I'm asked Garat about that and I guess they'll use translation website like they used for website. E.g: Then when translation ready, verified and tested they'll able to distribute it with game. Obviously you can distribute it as mod and ask users to use flag to enable it.
Pfff it seems Translating is not for me. Can't find the proper words... It's best done via the translation website anyway.