Hey guys, I have a question. As you my computer still works on hamsters and coal and load up tum for me are huge (I think they became even huger in the last update. No idea why) and the game likes to eat up a lot of my memory, sometimes to the point where it locks up. So I have a question: What can I do to reduce load times and reduce the memory imprint of the game on on my computer? My graphics settings are all set to low, excluding resolution scaling which is set to native and I get the feeling that no amount of performance optimisation will completely remove my problems. Obviously the best course of action would be to upgrade my ancient machine, but unless someone is willing to give me money or sponsor it, that's not gonna happen so my only choice is doing something software side.
There is a sticky thread for How To Improve Performance (All Video Cards) + (Driver links) that might be helpful.
Yea I've tried using that. Basically I'm stuck with medium sized planets and up to 3 or 4 planets. And there is nothing I can do to improve that. Lol and 4GB DDR2 RAM Costs 75 EUR + in slovenia. Talk about being overpriced.
i think RAM is really an issue. A 4 planet system uses 4 GB of RAM for me. Add some other software like and windows itself and im easily at 6-7 GB, which is okay as i have 8 GB. A lot of people though only have 4 GB (and some even might still have less). Those people might be no computer hardware experts and wont even check the RAM usage. They will think the game's performance sucks (well it actually does for them, especially if the automatically generated systems have 6-7 planets sometimes). If possible, Uber really should focus on reducing the RAM needed for the game.
well then at least PA should give a message out like "your system is unlikely to have enough power for this kind of system, please consider playing on less planets"
I have a similar PC and 3-4 planets, or 1 really large planet, is basically the limit. (My motherboard can't even support more RAM. The entire thing is due for an upgrade.) The odd thing is, the virtualstore setting is better off on high. It's a fixed cost of maybe 500MB, next to nothing compared to what planets seem to store in their vertex (?) data, and you'll perform better by keeping the virtualstore fully loaded. Memory usage from planets seems to be tied to their terrain details. E.g. Mountainous and desert planets are hogs, while moon and water planets cost relatively little (and also generate quickly).