I noticed that automatic spawn was reduced to about 2 minutes. Why was that done? Even with preloading it takes a significant amount of time for me to enter a game, and since the patch my load up times have increased (I think that partial blame is on the glow issues I have because I have Radeon drivers and ATI Radeon HD 4670) so the size and amount of planets I can play now has effectively been halved. Example: before I could load up a radius 1000 earth planet with a radius 400 moon within 2-3 minutes, but I now need 4-6 minutes when I reduced the said planet to 800, so when I join a game it has already been going for 2 or 3 minutes and I have already lost.
I didn't expect the game to start until all players had loaded the planets. Are you clicking ready before your planets have loaded? There should be an indicator in the lobby.
I think this is about some other form of processing that is done after the lobby. Especially on planets with a lot of trees I often see the planet without mex spawns for a while and then they pop up. Only after that playing becomes possible. Maybe that phase takes even longer on weaker systems.