I really hope uber keeps tracks of records rather then levels or badges. Its that self pride of having a good record or somebody who has played alot of games. What do you guys think?
Honestly, after battlefield, I could not care less. Records just twist people's opinion of you. You can have a very good comprehension of the game mechanics but not be a good player (e.g. some of the Uber devs) or otherwise have a really bad win-loss ratio. Then people discount your opinion because you don't win a large proportion of your games.
Just wins and losses? That's not all that much really, the way you talked about it I figured you had something more grandiose in mind. Don't forget we don't have ladder or anything. We've also had a few threads of the topic of whether or not things like w/l/d stats sh0uld be hidden or not so those would be worth checking out as well. Mike