I just wanted to let you guys know that this reconnect system is literally Satan. It's the devil. Sometimes i actually wonder if the devil made it to annoy people that crash (kappa). Then, when i try to chat with someone who was spectating in order for them to invite me back, their chat doesn't pop up until they go back to the main menu. I remember there was a mod that made you reconnect to the latest game, but it was removed. My god this really has to be fixed, it's been around since PA existed. Sorry if this should have been in support but it's not really a bug, just something that has to be improved/insisted on.
odd, i have very few problems with it. Maybe because i have a strong rig and immediately launch PA within seconds of crashing? idk but its one of the few features That I like.
I'm not saying the actual reconnect system is a bad idea, but the way it functions is bad. Leaving a game, then crashing in the next game you play will reconnect you to the one you left.
no im saying i have no problems with it, i have been in similar circumstances of leaving, then crashing the next game, and joining THAT next game...as intended....thats very weird xD