When I have picked up my firebase in the past, I usually get a recharge bonus on it. Sometimes I instantly get half of my recharge refunded, and other times I get 3/4 refunded. How does the game decide which of these bonuses I get? Is it the amount of time the firebase was deployed?
I'm not sure at all. Too busy with what is going on around me to be sure. I could have just tested it I guess, but this way everyone gets to find out.
Wtf, my post didn't show up :evil: :evil: Anyway, the level of the firebase is what is determining the amount of recharge it has when you pick it up. Level 3 is 3/4ths recharge and Level 2 is 1/2. Edit: And Level 1 is just stupid.
Not to mention that each level increases its base recharge speed. At level 1, you may as well leave it so you can upgrade it to two unless you dropped it in your spawn on accident. You won't have it for awhile if it gets destroyed or you pick it up.