I know I'm 100 years late for this and I don't care. What do you think of her newest song? Please give me your opinions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OxWD85N ... ata_player
Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow... wow Don't be hatin' on a 13-year old girl, yo. There are much better targets, like Brokencyde....yo. On a completely unrelated note: I watched it together with some people in the Mumble and it was fun. Kind of like watching a Twilight movie with a friend in the cinema and doing a MST3K thing. More edit: Seems like we have a Brokencyde fan here.
Dont know what to say, im guessing you are around 15 or something. I hope youre not in your 40s like feedle.
Like you wouldn't do her if she laid in your bed naked. (by the way, this guy sent me 2 girls 1 cup in a voice message. don't ever listen to him)
Oops, I mispost something important. They're ugly without make F'N up. But I'd still do her. 2 girls 1 cup FTW!!!
Was he supposed to sound like Christopher Walken a some points? Because he totally did and it was hilarious.