Really with the teams?????

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by ZoZo, February 12, 2011.

  1. ZoZo

    ZoZo New Member

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    The team select is there for a reason, I know this. But when ppl insist on stacking teams on one side, its just freaking ludicrous that the game will not only oblidge as many as it can, but also leave the other team crippled by shear lack of numbers.

    stack 6 on red again? OK....herp, now let me leave blue with 3! makes SENSE! derp!

    im just saying the game should try and still keeps the selection functionality as it can, but never....NEVER in a situation that causes ANY # imbalance WHATSOEVER. its already just too much when we can stack the individuals with brain cells on to one side, but when the other team also just cannot even compete by being outnumbered than its just RE-TARD-ED

    if your worried about scrim teams trying to match on their teams, i doubt that should be an issue, so just drop that arguement now. besides, any pro league that forms around this game will be making their own rule sets and configs on their own, you dont need to cater to them, believe me, i know
  2. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    Stacking is easy to prevent.

    If you see people stacking, just make sure you tell everyone to go their team. If everyone's the same team, everyone's randomized.
  3. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Countered by smart people picking their teams at the 10 second mark without anyone being able to counter it, unless you distribute people evenly when picking teams where the stackers won't have a chance to end up on the same team.
  4. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    This doesn't work, in the case where everyone hits red, the first 6 get red.

    Anyways, the stacking you are describing is mostly due to followers. You have 1-2 friends in a server, they decide to go to one team. If they do decently (having a positive KDR) next round half the game will try to follow them to whatever team they pick.

    I believe the are working on improved team selection options and party options. The ability to just team up with your friend and not be followed by 3-4 impromptu team stackers would help the situation greatly.

    Until then, an additional option to select a team and hide your selection would be nice (it just indicates you picked a team, but not which one, maybe a half red/half blue box.) Kind of a sloppy way to prevent people from following, but it is something. However, you don't want to completely get rid of visibly selecting your team until a better method pops up. Still have to consider people with poor outside communication.
  5. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    You were probably on a server with Autobalance=False. Avoid those.
  6. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    I LOVE the fact that team stacking is obvious and the other people can "veto" your team by following.

    Much better than on the 360, where all you could do was yell accusations when the same good players seemed to always end up together
  7. bware

    bware New Member

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    whit the sniper guys above me say's is true, in the begining it iritated me a bit..
    but i find it acualy a very good practise to be in the team with the least players, and lots of times were 2 minuits in to the game and a new members joins, and we have a nice round, and in my opinon nobody gains anything by rushing true maps in 3 minuits because the other team lack players..

    if im on a server were ppl stack to mutch and we get over run, i just leave and join a other server, takes 2 minuits tops..

    again sorry for typo's
  8. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    I intentionally go on the team that the stackers aren't on. There's something fun about ganking a team of people by yourself. ^_^

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