Read Op 1st Addition Of Supplemental Assistive AI's For HumanvComp Matches and/or Human v Human?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by siefer101, January 6, 2014.


Addition Of Supplemental Assistive AI's For Human v Comp Matches... Human v Human

  1. This would be a worth while Addition (as detailed in the OP) for both H v H and H v C matches

  2. This would be a worth while Addition (as detailed in the OP) for H v H matches

  3. This would be a worth while Addition (as detailed in the OP) for H v C matches

  4. This would not be a worth while Addition (as detailed in the OP) for H v H matches

  5. This would not be a worth while Addition (as detailed in the OP) for H v C matches

  6. This would not be a worth while Addition (as detailed in the OP) for both H v H and H v C matches

  7. This Addition has merit if the following were added or removed from the OP (post comment)

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. siefer101

    siefer101 Active Member

    Likes Received:
    I want to see the general consensus Of the public on this Idea.

    I would like to start by bringing up the current level of control required to maximize your production capabilities.

    I have a lot of engineers and wish to build and maintain my infrastructure, (econ and fabrication) pace my

    Upgrade to T2 econ, fabrication and military

    Manage engineer assist, orbital.. 4th planetary expansion etc....

    It isn't to much for one surface but with most matches having combat that occurs on multiple-planets/surfaces it will begin to become a lot to handle for one human being. the problem of having to many processes to handle shouldn't be a problem when playing against other human players as we are all "slow" compared to the death dealing AI that will be developed, Thanks Sorian. However for people who wish to play single player galactic wars vs. an AI a human will be at a significant disadvantage especially towards the back end of the game and lets face it we can't compete against such a high level of efficiency.

    Now before the "I always beat the AI" comments come in... tell me, how many surfaces are you playing on against the AI... The answer at the moment for all current scenarios is 1 due to the AI's inability to effectively colonize other surfaces should the human opponent give a seconds worth of effort. It is safe to assume that in the future the AI will utilize, to their maximum utility, all tools at its disposal to destroy... us.

    Remember the AI is essentially a piece-wise function
    No user interface. Only numbers, rates and coded responses. able to calculate and execute in the nano-second time scale.
    Humans... not a chance

    So what I'd like to see discussion on is the addition of a Supplemental commander (obviously toggle on/off based on match preference) that is controlled to a degree by an AI. I'm not a programer so I don't understand how difficult the implementation of such a feature would work however some features I'dlike to see are as follows

    (Behavior is probably a more suitable replacement for the word Personality but as long as my point is well recieved)

    1). Sub commander AI personalities

    a) much like the traditional personalities you can set for an opponent AI in most other RTS games. (base builder, econ, aggressive)

    2). The ability to select a range of operation for that commander. Similar to that of Area Commands

    a). After the commander is built i can, via some user interface menu (similar to construction?),
    select my personality for the sub-commmander and hold lets say left click and then drag out to adjust a radius that will become the circular area of "operation for that sub-commander AI.

    3). I want to be able to change personalities as planetary situations change

    a). obviously if I'm on a planet alone i want a base builder/ econ focused sub-commander as opposed to a planet that I'm being attacked on where i will need a more aggressive unit producing commander
    4). Balance.... tricky and i may be going about it incorrectly.... The Sub-Commander AI "intelligence" would scale based on a few parameters.

    a). The presence of primary AI's in game (I define primary AI as an army only controlled by the neural network... no human control) If a Say a level 10 Opponent AI it present in the game all human sub-commanders would be at level "x"(chose x for the sake of discussion). we don't want sub-commanders to be smarter then our Computer opponents as that would be to easy.

    b). my second scaling parameter would be the size of the simulation. larger maps would mean more fronts, units and bases to manage therefor the sub-commanders should be more intelligent to scale. the inverse also applies

    c). once a sub-commander intelligence level is determined by the above parameters that intelligence level is applied to all human players no exceptions as to balance it out

    i). perhaps sub-commander limit per planet the preventing a spam of little AI's

    So now that I'm done. Vote... and tell me whats up.
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  2. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    Hmmmm im not so keen on that honestly .... definitevely not something i would want to see on pvp matches .... as you are asking for even more options to give managment to the ai to handle and thus letting the game play itself more ... people proposed even automated attackpatterns and priority lists for areacommands that take a good chunk of involvment away ... for me it kinda takes away the challange to manage a scale like this
    and im not sure to were to draw the line on that honestly ...
    i think i wait to see what the others have to say
    mrqasq and beer4blood like this.
  3. Gerfand

    Gerfand Active Member

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    I like more to be in command of everything
    beer4blood likes this.
  4. siefer101

    siefer101 Active Member

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    Command Priority shouldn't (hopefully) be to hard of a task to implement
  5. emraldis

    emraldis Post Master General

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    It took me a few passes just to understand the title! XD

    I'm not sure how well this would work out, it depends on how well the AI plays. Having a spare commander wouldn't be too bad though...
    philoscience likes this.
  6. arthursalim

    arthursalim Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Ok... Right....

    Someone please translate that title to English
    philoscience likes this.
  7. emraldis

    emraldis Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    the title roughly translates to:

    "Can we have AI commanders that are allied with players, in team games?"

    Or at least that's what I read.
    philoscience and siefer101 like this.
  8. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    To me it reads like can we have a buildable subcommander that is a managing ai of sorts
    Pendaelose likes this.
  9. arthursalim

    arthursalim Active Member

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    Well we can see that everyone understood the title since everyone is saying something different about it
  10. emraldis

    emraldis Post Master General

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    Those are the best arguments! The ones where everyone is arguing about a different topic! ;)
  11. arthursalim

    arthursalim Active Member

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    Sure let's argue about the title not the topic, know what lets argue about something else what about the tie you are wearing today?
  12. emraldis

    emraldis Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Well my tie is obviously better considering it's a seal skin bow tie. (i'm not joking)
  13. siefer101

    siefer101 Active Member

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    Is the addition of a Supplemental AI that Assists the Player a good thing for the various types of matches described above.. It to me isn't that difficult to understand...
    Pendaelose likes this.
  14. emraldis

    emraldis Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    I can understand it, it's just that you made the title unnecessarily complex. You weren't using as clear and concise of a title as you could have been. You could simply have said "AI sub-commander?" or something like that.
    Pendaelose likes this.
  15. quigibo

    quigibo Member

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    Says the guy with that signature.
  16. Yadro

    Yadro New Member

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    I read the title as "Can we have more AI's to help the AI's to be better AI's"

    Yo Dawg I heard you like AI vs Player!

    So we put an AI into yo AI so your AI can plan while it plans!

    Yo Dawg is that 3 AI's your fighting? What about an AI to help the three AI's, while each AI has an AI that helps them AI!


    We need to go deeper
  17. siefer101

    siefer101 Active Member

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    Hey het hey... ill admit my communication problem but ill also say lets focus on the topic i have attempted to present and not my.. unique quality of presentation
  18. siefer101

    siefer101 Active Member

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    AI doesnt need assistance as it is a equation... a series of inputs that if re-created will yield the same out put every time... that being said its not making a decission like a human but following a Pre-programed response...

    i personally see the addition of an assistive AI to be benificial when you are playing AGAINST OTHER COMPUTERS on larger scale battles. Which in all honesty describes a fair majority of what the galactic war will be about... now yes I got this game for multiplayer exerience but i love to play against the AI on my own conditions.

    A huge part of my reason for wanting something like this rests on what i interpret the primary purpose of the galactic war to be.. massive replayable single player battles...
  19. siefer101

    siefer101 Active Member

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    Really seal skin :(??
  20. peewee1000

    peewee1000 Member

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    Great suggestion! I think it's feasible to implement development time -wise, and just the type of thing that could both increase the fun factor, and break some preconceptions players come aboard with. It distantly reminds me of MOBA games, where you play part in basicaly CPU vs. CPU fight.
    iron420 likes this.

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