Read here if you want the game to last longer.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by toonretardedlol, May 29, 2013.

  1. toonretardedlol

    toonretardedlol New Member

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    Stop being such douches.

    Spawncamping, abusing glitches, doing the things that empty out lobbies, every time you engage in this behavior, another player concludes this game is only left with *** clowns, and leaves for greener pastures.

    You do not need to hold down trigger with the mortar active as the gunner for the first 5 mins of the game, you don't need to be invulnerable with double damage to get kills in a shooter, just because you know of a part of a map that needs fixing doesn't mean you need to use it.
  2. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    Yeah, everyone discreetly engage in polite gunfights.
  3. joker

    joker Active Member

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    Good sir, I challenge you to a rumpus at dawn in the Ammo Mule dome. Back to back, ten paces, about face, rumpus. The choice of weapon shall be yours, foam noodle pool toys, or jetguns on chollo's host
  4. toonretardedlol

    toonretardedlol New Member

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    Yeah kids because not cheating means "polite".

    I'm sorry that you need so badly to cheat for kills, but that doesn't make it right.
  5. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    That's not cheating though. I can only assume from what you've said that you expect a dominating team to finish off the moneyball and end the game, right? At that point, it's not even fun for the dominating team anymore. That just leaves everyone spending more time in the lobbies than in game.
  6. toonretardedlol

    toonretardedlol New Member

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    Excuses like that empty out lobbies lief, excuses are destroying the game.

    It's not against the rules for me to drive down the road 10 mph under the speed limit, doesn't mean it's a good idea, or that it's right for me to do that and disrupt others just to indulge a whim.
  7. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    The way I see it, your suggestion leads to the same outcome. As you stated, players currently leave the game because they get spawn trapped/glitched on and decide this game just isn't worth it. If people played the game "as it was meant to be played," few people would stick around because 3 minute tryhard games aren't fun for anyone. How long would it be before even those who were constantly winning got sick of that?

    Now I'm not arguing in favor of cheating. I'm talking more along the lines of spawn camping/juice chaining. I completely understand how that can be frustraing. But at the same time, I don't see how ending the game as fast as possible is any less frustraing.

    Ultimately, people are gonna play the way they want to. They're gonna take the game they're given and do what they can to maximize their entertainment, and there's little anyone can do or say to change that.
  8. toonretardedlol

    toonretardedlol New Member

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    Actually your perception of the way this game was "meant to be played" is horribly skewed.

    You aren't meant to down the enemy money ball in the first minute of the game.

    You aren't meant to stand in a single spot spamming the mortar until a turret is gone, every single time one is built.

    You aren't meant to juice again, and again, and again.

    These things happen not because they're methods of play that uber set out to create, but because the community is full of sad people for whom fun only exists in trying to stop others from being able to play at all.

    How does it hurt you to not spam down the enemy turrets at the start of the match? How does it hurt you to not abuse portions of the maps that need fixing? It doesn't, it actually helps you in the long run.
  9. sorewawatashi

    sorewawatashi New Member

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    Smurph, you're not even being fucking specific about how you want to help out the game. You'd rather point fingers at everyone and talk about how broke the game is than actually come up with a solution for fixing it.

    I've played MNC for 3 years and doing these things has never emptied out the lobbies I've played in. The only thing that really empties out lobbies now is when some notoriously bad player is getting his *** handed to him.

    You don't need to do these things, but people do and they will. They've been juice-chaining and spawn-mortaring/sniping since launch and they'll continue to do so until this game is finally dead. Insta-striking isn't game breaking in anyway because for it to work the player would have to be on the very edges of one particular map.

    Smurph, you're pissing on your own feet. How many alt accounts have you ran through? Ten? Do you honestly expect us to listen to a word you're saying?

    But if you have something that will forever fix MNC and change our minds about you please tell us. We're all ears. ;)
  10. bluntkingmcpussy

    bluntkingmcpussy Member

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    I can understand someone complaining about spawn striking and exploiting other glitches, alltough I have no problem with it myself. But bitching about gunners taking out turrets and people getting the moneyball down quickly, that is just hella dumb.

    The fact of the matter is you're pretty f*cking bad at this game and you have a hard time coping with that. Go enjoy one of your infamous jizz sandwiches boy-o. Peace!
  11. woyldman

    woyldman New Member

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    I thought that was the whole point of the game, destroy the money ball as fast as you can. If we get the ball down in the first minute against you, do you want us to spawn camp you for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or until the last second of overtime and kill it then?
  12. sorewawatashi

    sorewawatashi New Member

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    He wants you to drop everything you're doing and politely stand there while he gets out of spawn and kills you.
  13. youkidssomad

    youkidssomad New Member

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    Maybe if you keep repeating this retarded statement it'll become true.

    Point of a game is mutual enjoyment amongst the players, not the attempt to stop someone else from playing.

    I'm sorry that you're so dependent on cheats that you think it's the only way to play.
  14. manslayer52

    manslayer52 Member

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    well the point of a game to me is to enjoy myself
    I could care less if the player im pooping on isn't having fun
  15. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    The objective of the game is to destroy the enemy team's moneyball. If you take down the enemy team's moneyball in the first minute of the game, then you are playing the way the game is meant to be played.

    Turrets stop bots from reaching the moneyball. Therefore, turrets should be taken out as soon as possible. One of the most effective ways to do this is for a Gunner to spam mortars at it.

    Your comment about juice is another discussion entirely.

    My point is, everything that you're saying people shouldn't do, is exactly what they're supposed to do if they're "playing the game the way it's meant to be played."

    So I would ask you then: what exactly would you have players do in a match? If the Gunner doesn't go for turrets, he'll be massacring the enemy team. If an Assassin doesn't go for bots, she'll be attacking the enemy team. I'm not sure exactly what your vision of this game is.
  16. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    You sit in back and let him win with no effort while he spawn strikes (remember, I and three others have seen him do it) while he eats self-semen soaked sandwiches...
  17. Goldielocks

    Goldielocks Member

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    But that is exactly what you're asking everyone to do. You want everyone to play at your pace, not at their skill level. I totally get being annoyed at people pulling exploits but you can't complain when people utilize the perks of thier class.

    Also, can I just say that you completely kill your case that this is destroying the game when you, the biggest rager I have ever seen continues to play the game.
  18. youkidssomad

    youkidssomad New Member

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    And this is why the game is dying.
  19. youkidssomad

    youkidssomad New Member

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    Wrong kid, I want people to play with awareness.

    If it's obvious the enemy team is made up of new / bad players, why exactly is it necessary to prevent them from being able to play at all?

    A "bad" player deserves to enjoy this game every bit as much as someone who thinks juicing = skill, yet if giggling chimps try hard enough they can prevent even the basics of the game from taking place. An unlucky team with too many non-prestige players in a given round spends more time dead than alive, especially if sad kids break out the spawn kill glitches. Why is this needed? Why is this "fun"? What is fun about denying someone else? If it's just schadenfreude you can admit it, but it's sad that trying to revel in the negative experience of others is something you cherish in a relatively open and purely recreational environment.
  20. Goldielocks

    Goldielocks Member

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    The thing is, most people who are new to a multiplayer game are going to expect to get slaughtered initially. Especially with a game that has been out as long as MNC. That's how you learn the mechanics of a game, trail and error.

    Is MNC the first PvP game you've play? It was for me. It took me awhile of getting stomped before getting the hang of it. It was frustrating but honestly over all the community and game itself are a ton of fun.

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