Rant: initial firebase placement

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by breischl, September 4, 2010.

  1. breischl

    breischl New Member

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    Played a couple games last night where I could've punched my team's Supports. Right off the bat they'd throw their firebases inside our base.

    I understand that sometimes you may be on the defensive and need to use an FB to protect your moneyball. But if you start off playing defense by parking your best tools inside your base - well, that's a self fulfilling prophecy. Your team has to work that much harder to control space on the board, they'll probably fail because they're not getting the Support they need, and ultimately you're going to actually be on the defensive instead of just acting that way.

    Which is what happened in every single game where our Supports did that. The other team would use their FB's to control more and more of the board, while our supports camped out overhealing turrets. We'd slowly get squeezed into our base and then overrun. Go figure.

    Supports, please, for the love of Pit Girl, at least TRY to use that firebase offensively!
  2. Wile E Coyoteee

    Wile E Coyoteee New Member

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    Yeah I've been noticing that too. And the horrible thing is, it's gonna be a while before any of their bots reach his turret in your base for him to get $10 for his firebase gunning down a bot. If your bots win the fight, it'll be even longer. If a lone teammate runs through that same side and kills their bots on the way through, you're waiting an eternity.

    In the few games I do go defensive as a support, I run up, throw my FB down halfway to the enemy base, then come back and mess with the turrets. At least then while I'm playing around my FB will get some cash before someone blows it up.
  3. mainvity1

    mainvity1 New Member

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    i do that but i pick my firebase up if no one tries to get us at the startv or sometimes i leave to juice rush theyre turrets and or moneyball
  4. lanngc

    lanngc New Member

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    i agree all the way

    two retards last night just kept putting firebases together at our moneyball. tilted me and i got wrecked that game lololol :cry:
  5. jaysofacton

    jaysofacton Active Member

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    It annoys me too, but I find communication is the biggest weapon in this game.
    When they didn't respond ( or maybe don't have headesets ) I tried going Support
    & led by example - setting up the Firebase as close as possible to the enemy
    base - sometimes even close enough to take out their turrets. Sure, you're
    going to get overrun once they realise whats going on but in the meantime
    my fellow pros were dominating the rest of the map - result.
  6. jovial1

    jovial1 New Member

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    Supports with firebases are amazing at enemy harassment.

    I'll typically try to find a corner or nook near the enemy base that I think will make me hard to dislodge. It's got to be within range of at least one of the enemy's bot lanes though. A hacked firebase can hold a lane down pretty well. Then I duck around and try to lob air strikes for bot/turret destruction to give my robotic allies a clear path to the moneyball.

    Once the other team gets wind of it, they start coming for me in increasing numbers. The first one almost always dies because he doesn't know where the firebase is. I typically find I get at least a hot streak before they finally get me.

    And the way I look at it, the more enemy pros are coming after me - the fewer there are to bother my teammates. I'll only deploy my firebase back by the moneyball if we're trying to recover from a push (and turret nubs are still unavailable) or if we've BEEN pushed back there and need the extra oomph on defense.
  7. Prowler Jesse

    Prowler Jesse New Member

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    i say it depends. if they have like 4 assassins all rushing the base from the start then im staying behind with my firebase to guard our turrets and take the punk assassins out.

    under normal circumstances i have to agree and say to move your firebase up to stop them before they get to your base or kill all of your bots. there are great spots for the FBs on every map.

    I got my first 10 kill firebase game last night and plan on many more.

    and for the love of everything good please dont throw your FB inside the damn spawn....please.

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