random shuffle teams

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by rUprofessional24, December 23, 2010.

  1. rUprofessional24

    rUprofessional24 New Member

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    Hey, I was just wondering, are there any plans to remove the random shuffle teams on the servers? If this is a beta-only thing to avoid team stacking on the few servers that are available then that's cool. I'm just curious if making it so friends can reliably play together is something coming down the pipeline.
  2. velo

    velo New Member

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    If anything, the random shuffle needs to be improved and increased (imo)

    I just got out of a series of about 5 games, where all of the level 40+ players were on one team, and a bunch of players under level 10 were on the other. Every time it shuffled, the teams were effectively the same. Winning in 1-3 minutes is not my idea of fun.

    When shuffling at the lobby, teams should be balanced by level or something.
  3. rUprofessional24

    rUprofessional24 New Member

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    I certainly agree with that as well. I was actually in those 5 games, usually on the other team :roll: . A shuffle that seeks to balance levels would certainly be a positive move. I just really want to play with my friends, not to face-stomp (because some of them aren't even level 10) but just for the fun of it.
  4. traitormagnus

    traitormagnus Member

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    I also agree. There's nothing worse than seeing three level 30+ players on one team, and then one similarly leveled player on the other with a handful of teens and lower. Even an easy way to team-switch at the pre-start class selection screen would be a huge improvement.
  5. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    Random or split teams based on level isn't the answer. Some sort of matchmaker that puts 12 similar level players together would be best. Separate by brackets, 1-30, 30-60, 60+ etc...
  6. velo

    velo New Member

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    I hate matchmaking. It's divisive, and breaks that sense of "community" that dedicated servers develop over time. A matchmaking system would also make the server browser completely pointless.

    Balancing by level at the lobby makes the most sense.
  7. Gturtle

    Gturtle New Member

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    I'm still in favor of my proposed server-side setting between four different team-deciding results, but can't quite remember where I posted, so I'll do a summary of my proposed options-

    1) Players are randomly assigned a team each round
    2) Players pick their team each round
    3) Players are assigned a team based on stats from last round, like money earned (or any of the other stats MNC tracks, which stat is used can be changed server-side) the top player goes to Hotshots, the next two to Icemen, the fourth to Hotshots, fifth to icemen, etc. To stop the Hotshots love, the team that gets the top player could be randomly chosen.
    4) Players are chosen by captains (captains are the #1 and #2 players in money earned/other stat for the previous round) team division proceeds similarly to example 3, with the first pick going to one of the two captains (randomly decided) and the next two going to the other.

    Right now, the balancing system is abysmal, and leads to mismatched servers; and if the devs allow the server admins to choose how their server is set up, it will lead to a happy community.
  8. VietCampo

    VietCampo New Member

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    oh Gturtle, this idea is awesome Uber should subcontract your company to come up with ideas like this.
  9. rUprofessional24

    rUprofessional24 New Member

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    Solid ideas Gturtle. I actually got a little excited when I saw that admin controls were being given in one of the recent patches because I assumed that that would lead to controls over team arrangements. Alas, I was disappointed :(. I just wish they would tell us what the scoop is with regard to this subject.
  10. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Shouldn't be that hard to fix really... Make it take the total level count on the server, divide it by two and split the pro's between the teams equally. Oh and let Autoteambalance be active in-game too... People tend to ragequit after getting steamrolled and losing in 1 min, like just when the new game is starting.
  11. goathax

    goathax New Member

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    That's not random. The teams assign by numbering off 1-2-1-2 and it's easily exploited and needs fixed.
  12. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    There's only 2 things we need.

    1) Change team in the pre-game lobby.

    2) Change team UI in game like in Counterstrike.
  13. SALT

    SALT New Member

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    It seems that the longer you stay in the same server, the more likely you are to end up on the stacked team. I'm not sure how it works this way, but I've noticed when I play with my friends that after a while, all the winners just keep getting put on the same team.

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