Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by TOM12121112, November 11, 2010.

  1. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    everyone know them.
    3 minutes into the game.
    they sit at 2-1-15; best score on their team.
    their ball health is at ~30%
    as much as they try to push out, their team wants to play defense.
    an inevitable loss is at hand.
    they hit start and quit.

    ...and we fault them for this? seriously? i wont say i am above pub-stomping; im not. but im not about to call someone out for not playing a game that they are not having any fun, or that their team has no reasonable scope on the objective. i will generally take a beating, but the instant that assaults bomb lands on my door, im out. i laugh if i get called this, because essentially they are saying: "HA! you suck because you left after we made the game ungodly frustrating for you! that makes us better than you!"

    another thing i see all over the forums. "haha my friend did better than this famous person and he ragequit.
    1: maybe he did, then that just means he wasnt having fun.
    2: jump to conclusions? maybe he wanted to play with his friend. im not gonna stick around a game that im at 35-5 if jon and midget are waiting for me to play a game.

    that being said, i guess my point is: is it really worth taking the time to call someone out for not having fun?
  2. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    I agree, I can't fault hosts for quitting if the other team is clears playing to piss people off.
  3. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    Yeah, but people are ragequitting frequently (much to their own team's chagrin) even if it's nothing but pub room randoms on both teams. I see people on my team quit even when I'm soloing and my team is ahead. If people aren't penalized for quitting, they'll continue doing it. It ruins the game experience for others when host decides that it's suddenly no longer to his advantage to keep the match going.

    I understand the whole "why continue playing when it's no longer fun to play" argument, but if that's the case, those people should move out of the way for good and not gum up the works for everyone else, rather than tricking the game into thinking that the team slots they take up are going to stay filled five minutes into a match.
  4. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    it really doesnt ruin the game...
    and that would be an example of people having something better to do, be it play a match with friends, or deal with some kind of natural disaster, or whatever.
  5. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    I agree, and I frequently rage quit myself. But I do wish I could know if I were the host or not. You can't really blame the host for quitting if he doesn't know if he's host at all. I know if i knew I had host I wouldn't be as quick to quit and ruin the game for the rest of the people playing.
  6. ForeverZero

    ForeverZero New Member

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    I am quit early under 2 conditions.

    1. Lag makes the game COMPLETELY unplayable. I.E. I select my class and it take the game 3-6 seconds for the game to register my class.

    2. I get an invite from one of my friends to join their game.

    Even if we are getting stomped at our base and the enemy is juice chaining I stick it out. Albeit if it is bad enough I just sit in the spawn and spam taunt for the next 10 sec before the game is over.
  7. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    If you wanna quit, quit. If you do it habitually, I'll just review you and avoid you. Quitters that quit just because our moneyball dropped first really irritate me. My favorite matches have been come from behind victories. The opportunities to persevere, overcome and turn the tide are usually there in MNC. If you're experienced, you know you're never really out of it until that pinata pops.

    That being said, I don't mind people quitting. People come and go in MNC matches. Thats a feature that, in my mind, makes MNC more fun than Halo or other games where you're locked in. Somebody will show up.

    If we're getting spawn killed, and there's really no chance of doing anything other than dying, I stay in the spawn room and taunt at the door. Why give them the kills and cash?

    I don't want to leave, I want a rematch.
  8. Edward Coug

    Edward Coug New Member

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    This doesn't bother me as much as it used to because stats save no matter what. I'm not sure if you still get pro tags that you would have earned, but all the other stats save. So the people who rage quit still get that bad game on their record. They may have avoided that loss, but the 3 5 29 stats remain.
  9. mute

    mute New Member

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    I agree.. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to rage quit. I don't hold anything against ppl that do it and I've done it myself several times lately. It's unfortunately the nature of the game, specially if you join a game already in progress and the other team is just kill farming. Why even start. Wouldn't be so prevalent if balancing wasn't so F'd up in the first place.

    When your single effort has to out match the entire other team's combined effort .. it's absurd to keep playing into that situation. It's not enjoyable, it's just a waste of time. Specially since @ new games, even when people quit.. the winners usually stick around, and the useless lobby almost always keeps them together. Eventually this kind of crap leads me to rage quits and more than likely exiting the game. Meh, I should just put the game down till the DLC comes out.
  10. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    I remember joining a game a little while ago. I was solo and it was halfway through, and man oh man was my team taking a beating on SteelPeel. It was almost to the point of spawn camping but unless I missed some at the beginning of the game I don't think much of it occurred.

    Game finally ended and I was looking forward to maybe a team switch or at least being able to play from the beginning and try to make a difference. Then I heard the nerdish chest-beating;

    "Oh wow that was bad"
    "pwned, pwned"
    "terrible team!"
    "Go die you all fail at life"

    .... really? Our entire team of scruffy misfits just endured that from your group of 6 99's and you need to prove how meaningless your life is by gloating about winning?

    For me, it doesn't matter what multiplayer game I've played; halo, l4d(1&2), MNC, whatever, if you've stuck around after taking a beating and doing your team good by keeping a slot filled then I'll think (and say) that you're a trooper. I've even been refraining from juicing lately since I know how annoying it can be when you're stuck in your base and the juice chainers are on the march. But when I stick around for my thrashing and all I get is a bunch of **** in my face from a horrible community, my sense of loyalty I have to my team degrades quite quickly.
  11. Angel in Black

    Angel in Black New Member

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    I would prefer if people stayed for an entire match, if only to spare the people looking for a game to play. It's a real downer to get into a game that's 2 minutes to overtime with only the $300 starting money. Remember, every time you ragequit, there's a good chance that someone ends up getting screwed over that wasn't even in your game to begin with. That's in addition to the oft-mentioned pains of playing short-handed.

    That said, there are always legitimate reasons for leaving, all I ask is that people not leave games frivolously.
  12. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    I think the best thing to do is quit at the lobby. Quitting in game just disbands the game if you're the host, messes up your team since it's 6v5; even though you're losing anyways and is just asking for a bad player review :eek: .
  13. cutecakes

    cutecakes Member

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    There comes a point in some matches where I just quit. Nobody is building turrets. The Assassin is spending more time trying to jump on top of the glass dividers than killing Pro's. Support is running around grappling bots... and dying.

    When all these factors and more come together, I hit Start>Quit and find a new game.
  14. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    Well said dude, I'd play on your team of scruffy misfits anytime.
  15. ElfControl

    ElfControl New Member

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    i dont really care much for quitters. I do it too, and really so what? The simple fact that i'm not having fun is MORE than enough a reason i need to quit.

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