Rage quitters at end.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Bambam Bm, August 23, 2010.

  1. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Man these rage quitters are really getting annoying, lol especially when they quit when the match is over, and it never lets you get to the scoreboard cuz the host rage quit.
  2. Trademark

    Trademark New Member

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    lmao I know eh. That annoys me to no end because I usually have to sit there for the next 30 seconds just to be told that the connection to the host has been lost and im going to be taking another trip back to the main menu.
  3. Dystopia

    Dystopia New Member

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    I just joined a match on Steel Peel. I had like 4 Assassins on my team. None of them good. I kept hearing the same kid say things like "HOW DO THEY SEE ME" every 20 seconds or so. About 3 minutes into the game, I watch from across the map as he gets assassinated, then hear him scream some nasty words into his mic. I'll let you figure out what happened next.

    (If you guessed "FAILED TO MIGRATE HOST," you win the prize.)
  4. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Alot of other games are good with migrating host.. this game is just downright horrible at it, 95% of the time its a fail.
  5. JackBotXL

    JackBotXL New Member

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    i quit if i am not having fun with the game. Whats the point of a game? To have fun ,be entertained. If its not providing that i quit, i really have no issues with it and neither do i care for its criticism. However, i only quit when my team is terrible and i feel like i am doing all the work.
  6. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    I made this thread to show that they quit when the game is OVER!!! thats the annoying part.
  7. Dystopia

    Dystopia New Member

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    I would quit whenever I'm not having fun... if migration worked and this weren't a team-based objective game. If this were, say, Hardcore Team Deathmatch, I could quit whenever and not really hurt the team (unless I'm carrying it on my back). In MNC? Not so much.
  8. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    they should all stay so that you can stomp on them repeatedly, right?
  9. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    It's called "sportsmanship".

    If Uber can't fix the host migration, I hope they can at least make it so I know who the host was. Then when a host dumps the game I can at least "Avoid This Player" -> "Game Behavior" -> "Quit Early".

    Quitting early is just inconsiderate. Yes, you're not having as much fun as when you are winning. But if everyone acted like you did, then every match would end with one team quitting. It's common courtesy to finish the match that you started even if you are losing. It's also common courtesy to play to win for the entire match, even if you are losing or if you think your teammates are not any good.

    However, I think if Uber gave us a way to avoid people like you two, then soon the problem would be resolved. Those of us who understand sportsmanship (being a good sport) and being a good loser (as opposed to, you know, being a poor loser) woudl be playing together and having fun, and you guys would be unable to find any games...
  10. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    We are working on host migration as I speak.
  11. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    You guys are awesome!
  12. JackBotXL

    JackBotXL New Member

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    Sportsmanship? Dude this is a video game no a 'sport'
  13. Surberus

    Surberus New Member

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    Being a decent, respectful person transcends the 'sport' in sportsmanship. Seriously, it sucks losing. It sucks getting torn to pieces cus Im on a team with 4 assassins and no one builds and turrets or takes the time to check someone's back. I get that, and it's valid to be upset by it. But it ruins it for the rest of us when you bail out early. Take your licks, finish the game, and exit.
  14. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    Sportsmanship applies to a lot more than just sports.

    If you haven't learned to be a good sport yet, maybe it's time you learned.

    "If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
    ' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
    if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
    If all men count with you, but none too much;
    If you can fill the unforgiving minute
    With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
    Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
    And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!"
  15. JackBotXL

    JackBotXL New Member

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    cool story, bro
  16. PiggyGamer

    PiggyGamer New Member

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    Wow, I hope I never get stuck playing with you.

    OT: I'd never really noticed this problem until the last two days or so.
    Recently, I've probably gotten "Host Migrated!" ... "Failed. Returning to main menu." in at least every other game.
    Now, it's probably not all rage quitters, but I know it's a large percentage of them.
    It always happens right when our team makes a great comeback or particularly strong push and are on the cusp of winning, then RAAAAAAGEQUIIIIIIT.

    Honestly, I've only quit three games of MNC.
    One was a rage quit, I admit.
    One was a glitch where I was stuck unable to spawn at the overhead map, and the other was after a weird glitch with host migration where I respawned as the only player on the map, and all number values were 999999999.
  17. Arcell

    Arcell New Member

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    This host migration problem is getting obnoxiously bad now. My friends and I played for a few hours tonight and had 5 or 6 hosts disconnect.
  18. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    Misused meme. Fail.

    Go back and lurk 4chan until you understand when to use that meme.

    1 / 10
  19. PhantomPhoton

    PhantomPhoton New Member

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    My roommate and I were noticing that it seems to come up a lot more often now than before the patch.

    I keep getting the "network disconnected" symbol, which is obviously wrong as I'm not getting a "logged out of XBox Live" message. Then it attempts to migrate, it fails, and I'm kicked back to the main menu.

    Not all of these can be rage quits, but I'm sure quite a few still are as it seems to happen a LOT more when we're throwing up a blowout...
  20. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    I don't entirely get it. I'd rather win than lose, but I have fun with this game even when I'm dying a lot, or my team loses their moneyball.

    But even if you're not having fun, it seems awful dickish to quit and screw other people over.

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