Rage message-Rage Win-Rage quit. Pics inside. How you doing.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Drizydraker0ger, June 6, 2011.

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  1. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

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    Nice little story about first 3 games of the day.

    So first game of the day I play support. I do fairly ok. I push entire team back regardless of constant juice chain. There all on the left well let me upgrade a turret hack it and throw my fire base. Death after death I push on the other side. Juice drop the money ball. Shotgun the money ball with juice. Leave it at less then 1/6th health. They build fire bases keep me out the base. My balls gone done when I respawned. They all juice it. Kill a couple of them but a sniper is on edge of the map on grenade 3. Juicing and sniping money ball can't stop him in time. We lose. Final score 12-3. Highest scoring person on my team beside me is like 2-33. Other people are worse off.

    Message sent to me. From a winterknight the sniper and forum goer. Hey drizy see your trash. I'm shocked you didn't play assault. I pwned you bad. Assault is overpowered and you lack skill. Ok last game he had a team full of all star pros. I came in when it was already 9 mins in game. Now Were on the same team. So he keeps telling me i'm bad for using assault. I say any class is overpowered. Look how you hit my money ball from safe distance. He continues to argue. We win the game. He is in our base sniping and juicing on the other team. i'm still support. We win. Steel peel map Btw

    Now we start at Ammo mule. He picks sniper again. I pick assault. I get to middle of the map. He's bunny hopping every seconds. He see's me lets off his entire clip misses. Throws a ice trap a flak and runs into his base. Host migration ensues.

    -_- Now assault is over powered because it can reach a sniper who likes holding up around ice traps can run away with flak and can juice up with flak shots. And I'm either bad cause I lose to a team of bots as support or I used to use Assault all the time. Now I try to use any class but that.

    I get rage messages about a class i used to use. Even rages during a win. And rages and quits and says nothing. My first three games of the day how about you.

  2. o Johnno o

    o Johnno o New Member

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    Rise above it, don't give them the satisfaction of knowing they pissed you off (what they want)
  3. krunkthuzad

    krunkthuzad New Member

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    There is a rage post thread. It's on the first page. Not only do you apparently suck at mnc, but you suck at posting too. Just in case you also suck at reading, let me say it just one more time.

    You suck. Hope this helped.
  4. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Yeah, we really don't need an extra thread for every fan mail you get... ;)

    Also, please use the crop feature/resize so the pic doesn't break the forum layout, thx.
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