Sadly enough, radiation from japan has spread in the air and has hit bc, canada I like how they try and cover up alot of the real things going on ... 3-842.html same with the oil spill in gulf... yeah its not harmfull ... t_was.html anyone else sick of the government covering up everything?
yes but im saying in the long run this stuff does hurt the enviroment and kills off everything 2 people in japan have been very sick from the radiation they were exposed to over Harmless warnings that the new portrayed. it may not be harmfull to humans but what about the other species in the world..
In the long run vehicle emissions hurt the environment. In the long run Humans hurt the environment. Also this first sentence of the article you posted kind of like goes against what you are saying: "In almost a year since the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, environmental damage on the Alabama Gulf Coast has been less than many feared, George Crozier said last week." Meaning it caused less harm then everyone thought. If the government told everyone the truth outright the nation would be in a riot.
Oil is persistant, radiation decays and in the article you linked, iodine-131 has a half-life of a bit over a week The amount of radiation isn't even an issue. You absorb more radiation from dental/chest x-rays and even flying across the US in a plane In short, noone in Canada is going to be glowing in the dark anytime soon
The people who were harmed by the radiation in Japan were those right next to the plant. They also got thousands of times more radiation than we did in Tokyo, and hundreds of thousands times more than anyone in Canada. I passed through a cloud of radiation myself that was magnitudes larger than anything in Canada right now and neither myself, nor anyone else in Tokyo, was harmed. People getting upset over nothing is what causes so much negative stir towards nuclear reactors. If I lived through it, you certainly will. Stop making a big deal about it. L. Spiro
Really >_> that amount of radiation is not going to kill you or give you radation poisioning anytime soon (100 years or so). Japan is in much worse shape now and your worried about radiation 12 thousand miles away
If the truth is so hard to handle and causes riots then let's riot. What's better living a lie and taking it in the *** or knowing the truth and living. It doesn't matter if they say it's not harmful it just is, think about it on a daily basis people it adds up. We already have enough with tv's and uv but this stuff sticks around, any is to much. They are just starting to talk about the radiation getting into the ocean, they've been pumping the what they used to cool the reactors right back into the ocean from day one, no more fish cakes Jimmy. Another question, uhmm what about the other reactors ?? Everyone gets caught up in the debates and forgets what's really going on, I'm 30 years old really nothing but in my years I saw this planet destroyed all for money in some guys pocket. Don't trust anything you see as media, theres way more going on around us then anyone cares to except.. Not just nuclear lies but the lie of humanity. Look and you will see the truth :shock:
apparently there was a leak in the reactor and its pretty bad alot of radiation leaked into the ocean ... 301553491/
You're not even reading anything are you? Seems you're more interested in spouting paranoid conspiracy theories than actually looking into anything Radioactive fish? People couldn't fish within 12 miles of the plant to begin with, they're not going to make that smaller anytime soon, they'll probably extend the no-fishing area now
Yea, figured it was somebody hiding, but felt like responding anyway Thing is a bulk of the radiation being spewed out is iodine-131, which has a half-life of a bit over a week If anyone truly is worried about how much I-131 they're absorbing, start taking iodine supplements. The more iodine in your system, the faster any traces of I-131 will be removed