There should definetly be a mobile radar jammer... Also units that are submersed in the water should not be visible on radar or by units above ground.. They should only be visible when within sonar range... what else is the use of a submersed unit if everyone can see it anyway.... For example the T2 kbot that can now go under water... it can be seen/shot under water like any other regular unit... Also there should be an option like there was in total annihilation to turn off/on commander dead game ends... Specially in PA as with the orbital option in combination with the orbital radar that sees ALL in a huge range its way too easy to snipe commanders (even when they are underwater...)
I'm pretty sure that's the intent for the submarines, they just have not implemented it yet. Game exclusions and options will be in game also. Be patient
Radar jammers are being considered, but not confirmed. Sonar/submersible will be in the game. Eventually. Multiple win condition will be in the game. Eventually.