radar issues

Discussion in 'Support!' started by Proarbiter, October 5, 2013.

  1. Proarbiter

    Proarbiter New Member

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    well, when i put a radar on the planet it thinks it can see the whole planet but i can't see any enemy dots... its really strange...
  2. Teod

    Teod Well-Known Member

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    I encountered this as well. When you hover radar blueprint it shows correct range, but when you select existing radar it covers the whole planet green. Radar itself works like it should, through.
    hahapants and Proarbiter like this.
  3. zihuatanejo

    zihuatanejo Well-Known Member

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    Perhaps Uber could kindly confirm what their plans are regarding radar and the UI? Personally, I am hoping for a radar overlay that you can toggle on and off, perhaps with a further option to show 'potential coverage' vs 'actual coverage' (if not enough energy to power the radar).

    Also, I find the radar satellites and their range somewhat confusing. In terms of planet size/radius, what is the coverage of a radar satellite and an advanced radar satellite?
  4. gunshin

    gunshin Well-Known Member

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    you should screenshot this, and update your post with it, because i have not encountered this yet =/ If you mean you cannot see any radar blips at all, your probably out of power.
  5. duhreaper

    duhreaper Member

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    if you have no energy then it wont work just saying you might want to make sure you have energy. Some people don't know this
  6. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    I haven't seen it either.

    With Beta, if you don't have enough power to run a Radar, it won't run.

    Radars and Satellites have fixed coverage areas. If they cover more than the planet, they cover the entire planet.

    Basic Radar Satellites work like radars.

    Advanced Radar Satellites give full field of vision coverage.

    Uber also has plans to have different blips depending on whether the thing found on radar is land, air, or sea. They also plan on having it so if you get a field of view on the unit and it goes out of view but stays in radar coverage you'll see what that unit is, rather than a blip – just like SupCom.
    zihuatanejo likes this.
  7. RMJ

    RMJ Active Member

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    Atm there is a bug, radar has infinite range, well it thinks it does. Mine just shows the area over the entire planet :p its a bit confusing lol.
  8. hahapants

    hahapants Active Member

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    I've seen it in the past few patches, but thought everyone was experiencing this issue. I did not have a power problem at the time of my noticing. Now it's a 'normal' thing and occurs with every radar I construct (it shows infinite range when the completed radar tower is selected). I also use the build command to determine what range it actually has...

    Teod, did you create a bug report? I will vote it if you did.

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