
Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by ZoZo, February 9, 2011.

  1. ZoZo

    ZoZo New Member

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  2. XyzKiller

    XyzKiller New Member

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    I demand 5 minute games with 15 minutes of overtime for some serious bacon.
  3. Arcanum

    Arcanum New Member

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    I demand 60 minute games with 30 minute of overtime for some serious scores. :D
  4. Llamatron

    Llamatron New Member

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    I play mostly on his server just because of that (and the 2 of each class limit, even tho it would be even better with 1 of each max)
  5. racquemis

    racquemis New Member

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    grr... wrote a message two times, neither came through, third try:

    :mrgreen: this made me lol, must be doing something right in order to deserve my own topic :lol: (btw don't try to pronounce the name it looks cool but sounds horrible :lol: )

    i just like no overtime :p

    if many people think the server rules needs to be changed on at least a couple of servers then i'll compile a list of possibilities on my website for you to choose from ;)

    to bad i sold a quad core processor some time ago :(, could be running 3 additional servers otherwise.
  6. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    I kind of avoid that particularly cluster now because of it.

    It lacks the climatic ending. It's like seeing an action movie that cuts off before the final assault.
  7. jrave

    jrave Member

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    I suggest splitting them up (unsure how many you have running anymore) between OT and No OT, with it notated in the server name. imo

    Btw, where are those servers located? I'm on the east coast and my ping to those servers is as good as Dallas/Chicago servers.
  8. Runie

    Runie New Member

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    So far I've only seen two people who like games without overtime. No overtime is fine for scrims but most of the time teams are too even and games go on for god damn hours.

    Right now the maps are too small and samey for me to handle them for an hour at a time. The only thing that kept me on that server was because I had earned tons of money and didn't want to lose that.
  9. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    I usually bail if I see a server is longer than 20 minutes, has no overtime, or has no juice buying.

    As for class limits, I think the only two you should limit are assassin and sniper. This is more of a "giving noobs safety scissors" situation too.
  10. racquemis

    racquemis New Member

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    i think your talkinga botu a different server NOT owned by me :p, i never even ran a 1 hour match server :mrgreen:
  11. racquemis

    racquemis New Member

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    ATM the cluster is at 5 servers. there are hosted in amsterdam :mrgreen:
  12. Llamatron

    Llamatron New Member

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    FYI, there is always a match duration limit, if none of the moneyballs got destroyed by the end, the team with the highest HP moneyball wins, and if both moneyballs are the same HP the team with the most money (not sure if it's total match earnings or current money in stock) wins.

    Main reason why I like it is that it rewards teams pushing the lanes, while overtime is often a matter of who has the more non-clueless assassins and assaults who will rush the moneyball in OT, as these classes have enough damage and mobility to have a huge advantage at that moment.

    But I think the best OT mechanic would be triggering an overtime only if both balls have the same HP.
  13. Wobbley

    Wobbley New Member

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    Agreed, why the hell does OT even trigger when the balls are not even? :S
  14. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    So, why not have an actual decision? If it bothers you so much consider you won if it gets to overtime, who cares? There isn't any actual prize for winning. The rest of us just like actually breaking up the stalemates with an actual victory.

    If you have one team pushing the lanes, and doing everything right, then the match won't make it to overtime because you'll win the round. If it reaches overtime then there wasn't a winner. There was a stalemate, a draw. If one of the teams had a significant advantage at that point, then they're going to win overtime unless they're brutally outplayed by the other team, at which point, the other team simply played better and deserved to win.

    Generally speaking, the people who cry about OT are the people who don't play this game trying to win the round, but instead trying to out-turtle the enemy team.
  15. PezD

    PezD New Member

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    Ooh you have no overtime?

    Gotta find your servers again :D
  16. Kordy

    Kordy New Member

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    I likes me some non-overtime wins on Racquemis' servers.

    Added you on steam last night to cry over some minor point about autobalance, then I realized it is an autobalance bug, anyway :p
  17. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    This rewards players for getting some damage on the money ball then playing defensively. The money ball is easy enough to take down if the team isn't stupid (unfortunately most teams are.) It just requires 2-3 players going after it to kill it.

    If you can't finish the job, you should risk losing. You still have a huge advantage on area control, juice buying, and the annihilator come overtime if the other team is turtling.
  18. ZoZo

    ZoZo New Member

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    I don't mind it when teams can accomplish some damage on the ball before hand.
    + I LOVE 2 limit to class, FAR FAR FAR too many games with like 4 AWFUL...JUST GOD AWFUL assassins (cause it seems 75% of the player base HAS to play them, and 90% of those are HORRIBLE at it)

    but its a complete waste of a match if neither team can breach a ball for damage before OT and the win goes off salary or whatever. I GET that there is a validity to that, but in my opinion, and of most I've seen- it isn't worth it to play that way.

    I'll be on a team that is SLAUGHTERING hand and FOOT over the other team, just with a good enough match, those rare ones you love and are intense, goo enough to keep the ball from going down on either side- only to come to an EXTREMELY anti-climactic and COMPLETELY unsatisfying end. I hate to say it but I actually do avoid your servers now cause of it. No point in playing a match like that.

    It's like:
    (dirty comparison) getting the best head of your life only to have the girl get up and leave unceremoniously without finishing you. OH YES I JUST DID!

    (nerd comparison) Watching Star wars and getting that adrenaline rush as they fight over the death star, Watching those moments build as Luke travels down that shaft with Vader chasing him, Han coming to the rescue, and Obi Wan reaching out through the force to Luke-> ITS BUILDING UP ITS BUILDING UP FIRE FOR THE ACCESS PORT!!!!!....wait what? The end? WHAT? WTF happened? Did it go in? Did my DVD break? THE FUCKS going on here?!

    seriously, just can't stand playing for 15, 20, 25 (I prefer the little extra time servers) only to see it just....end. No big explosion. No heart pumping adrenaline....no....nothing...just. game.
  19. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    I for my part love servers without overtime, as often as I play servers with OT my teammates tend to go defensive while I, as a SNIPER or SUPPORT rush the enemy moneyball by myself, first, without hesitation, without aid from my teammates, while typically the enemy team get the idea of overtime and all charge over to turn my moneyball to broken glass/shieldfragments/ballthingiesthatarebroken.

    And that sucks. :|
  20. racquemis

    racquemis New Member

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    i can't make everybody happy, others dislike overtime and so do i thus i disable it on my servers.
    There currently is not enough customization to overtime. overtime is just a juice/rush party now, the first team to succesfully enter the base juiced basicly wins, as soon as overtime kicks in its like the match ended anyway since the last 15/20 minutes did not have any meaning.

    if there was any customization to overtime i probably would have overtime enabled in some form. I do know as soon as the editor gets released i will mod the overtime script,i'll do my own customization just because i like to :mrgreen:

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