1. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Who said anything about getting dedicated servers? Even the biggest XBox 360 games like Halo and Modern Warfare don't have dedicated servers.
  2. stonebu

    stonebu New Member

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    Hello everyone!!

    Please don't quit in the middle of the game. The only way you will learn how to fight whatever has screwed you is to fight it. I've gotten beaten into the groud repeatedly, and sheesh, I've never rage quit, just because i need to learn how to play.

    If a party is killing you, then join it! If you have one guy singling you out, then become their friend:) (unless you done stole his lunch money) They should be receptive to your friendship.

    honestly. every time you rage quit, you learn nothing...and you will keep doing it over, and over and....well yeah, you get it.

    much love and respect for the MNC and for many of its' players,

  3. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    makes you wish there could be something done to prevent midgame quitting. then at least they would have to dashboard or powerdown.

    of course that wouldnt be idealistic. i know it cant be updated this game, but in the future the game should be hosted at least partially on server, and/or the client hold a small copy of the game data in case of a migration (actively using client data means a client could be a hacker and this game could become their tinker toy). not sure what this would do to lag from overworking a connection, or if its even possible for a server to hold data seperate from players on xbox360/any-console
  4. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    Server side changes aren't that hard to do...but MNC isn't getting dedicated servers until Uber gets bigger, I'd guess. Dedicated servers cost money. Constantly.
  5. stonebu

    stonebu New Member

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    you know, that would be another reason quitters are hurting themselves.

    they don't get that money/kills etc that they just worked so hard for the last 14 etc min for, and neither do I. It's really no sweat off my back, but golly! i get better from watching others, they should too!

    regardless, i'm just tired of seeing the quitters out there. i joined crossfire at lvl 30 or so, and didn't even realise it was a mic/headphone game til 70 (i'm slow:), but i've studied them better players since the beginning.

    just finish the gosh darn game, get yer points and friend up with more than the overwhelming amount of friendly pros out there.
  6. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    False. Kills are tracked as you get them, not after the game. You won't get the post-game bonus, but I'm pretty sure you get your kills.
  7. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    Doesn't really matter, I think. Quitting because you're losing pretty much ensures you'll never get good at the game. More time playing usually means you get better and learn to make better decisions.

    Dunno about anyone else, but I've never taken games seriously so effort is pretty alien to me with a controller in my hands. The only games I've ever gotten even remotely good at were ones I'd spent a lot of time playing. I'd imagine the average, more-casual gamer is pretty much the same way. The only way to get better is play more and RAEG less.
  8. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    Why did you post the same inaccurate information twice?
  9. cutecakes

    cutecakes Member

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    I quit all the time.

    Lag? Quit.

    Crap team? Quit.

    Bullets are registering? Quit.

    See a glitcher? Quit.

    H*o*o*r*a*y*4*L*a*r*z; you may have seen me quitting :cool:
  10. ShreddieMercury

    ShreddieMercury New Member

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    Seriously, why is it such a big deal? Halo is the only game where it gets ridiculous because it won't allow others to join mid game. But it is a VIDEOGAME, and the point is to have fun. I don't care if two people on my team quit, it sure doesn't ruin the fun I'm having playing anyway. People who bitch about quitting all the time need to get over themselves.
  11. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    be Australian in an American game..you have no choice but to quit as most people have bullet proof shields...it has been improved a lot but there's no way to eliminate lag

    EDIT: of course servers get rid of most lag as you would just join one for your country but that's Microsoft's problem for not giving us them even when we do pay....
  12. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    Wait, what? The messages are appearing out of order and you quoted my one message twice. I'm really confused here :shock:

    Yeah, it's not a big deal. It's just like if you're watching television and there's an infomercial on: you can always change the channel instead of getting bothered by it. But then, why have infomercials at all? Huh, huh?

    Dedicated servers aren't some magic bullet. If people accessing a server are from locations all over the globe or a user is physically far away from a server, they're going to get lag. Also, bad connections seem to weigh down the servers and cause lag for more people. I've joined servers with friends before that had bad connections and when I join them or vice versa, it magically turns to crap-lag for everyone; occasionally to the point where people can't even speak. Awkward!
  13. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    I hate quitters too. Today I went +30 against some nerdy tryhards, and they left after the game.
  14. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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  15. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    i know everyone uses this as examples with this game but TF2, for PC has dedicated servers, you see the ping you have before you join, if its 100 or less your pretty much good, if someone is dumb enough to join that server with a ping of say 500 instead of another one with 100 there just down right stupid.

    i have NEVER experienced people with crap connection lagging the server, i have a terrible connection of 1.5mbs down and like 200kbs up, i used to have plan on broadband which was like 256kbs down and like 100kbs up, me joining it did nothing....

    mind you when i am actually downloading my download speed is only 150kbs not 1.5mbs.
  16. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    Well, here's the thing. That's PC. This is console. Not everything that applies to PC applies to consoles. Try playing Left 4 Dead or Left 4 Dead 2 on 360. They've both got dedicated servers, but they're unstable as all hell.

    ...I can't imagine someone with a ping of 500 being *ABLE* to play games online. I mean, that's like unplayable.

    I think either you don't know what your actual connection speed is or you have absolutely no business playing games online. 1.5 mbs down? Nah, no way you're playing games online like that.


    Not perfect, but it'll probably give you a better idea of how your connection is. Lessee how mine is.


    That sounds pretty good, but I still have epic lag issues on dedicated servers. It also doesn't help that cable is inconsistent as all hell, varying depending on how many users in the neighborhood are using it at the moment and whether or not the company decides "hahaha: no" regarding quality of service.
  17. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    there's my proof.....my phone on 3g gets better internet then me, my friend who is on ADSL2+ only gets about 3-5mbs connection speed....Australian internet is that bad.....
  18. cutecakes

    cutecakes Member

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    Sydney > Brisbane

  19. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    i live in Bundaberg
  20. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    *generic offensive joke about how backwards Australia is*

    I mean FFS, how do you people stand it there?!?

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