I noticed an extremely high quit count in the teams which seems to loose? All quitters or does your computer/game crash?
It's quitters, it happens all the time on the xbox also, the game isn't that unstable. Moneyball dropped in the first 30 seconds? expect quitters. Killed that assassin 3 times in a row? they will feel the urge to bail out. Your team's sniper doing crap? he will quit :lol: only problem with this game are people who can't take a loss.
Played the Xbox version sometimes ago, too. But never noticed a quit rate as high as now in the pc beta. So come on, stop quitting and fight like a man!
A while ago my server was empty, so I played a round on a different server. The entire losing team quit, leaving only six people in the room. Apparently nobody wanted to do 3v3 so several more people quit. After a few minutes I quit too. Back at the server browser and hey look, my server is almost full. Jump in and hey wow it's everyone who quit off the other server
Personally, my game tends to crash to desktop after about 4-6 rounds - generally after I've gone through a full cycle of all the maps. Makes me think there's some kind of memory leak type thing going on.
Well, I did quit today a bit, but only when I knew the team was going to lose anyway. Also, I quit once when I couldn't use the hack skill of my support. That was really odd. Not sure if it fixed itself. Because I'm getting way too much lag from even the best dedi server, which is a bad thing.
I usually try to stay through the entire round, even if I'm losing. The only reason I've been leaving is that for some reason my games have recently made a bad habit of disconnecting after 10 seconds of working perfectly fine...
I don't quit while the match is running but I often quit when I see Spnky is up next. For the life of me, I can't do good on that map... It's perfect though, steady breaks to get more coffee!
I stay through the entire round, even when I get steamrolled... And I tend to have minor rage issues! :lol: Unless I crash. Mostly happens when I try to join servers though.
would be awesome if this quitters get a "Rage Quit" screen, before back to Main Menu, when they quit after 3 dies in a row or at end score screen when your team loses. :mrgreen: lol, this go to my wishlist (viewtopic.php?f=29&t=5883&p=73987)
I occasionally crash when the money ball drops, but I try to wait for the lobby screen before leaving - so I can at least write a gg message
Rage quitters after a round aren't that problem. Quitters while a match is running are the big problem.
Yeah, allot of mine are crashes. I tend to stay win or loss because regardless you earn your earnings and maybe a few more titles at the END, not doing. So if I've already put 5 minutes into it, I might as well go the full 15. but if I go in, and see the moneyball being slaughtered and it's not overtime...that's when I just BACK out...
same with me. i'll play a few rounds, and then the game will start stuttering on the win/lose cinematic. i then get a crash error message and i'm kicked back out to desktop.
I'll admit, I quit during the round sometimes. Not as often as I crash, but . . . Look, the auto-balance needs a lot of work. When the game loads in, and it's 5 on 3 and the 5 have all the higher-level people, and I'm on a team with 2 assassins who are both newbies, I'm not sticking around for that headache. I don't even like playing those matches when I'm on the winning side.