What happens if when you leave a match (like quitting back to the main menu or out of PA) and the match still has other players in it? In this case, specifically in an FFA. What happens? Does your stuff explode or does it just sit there AFK until someone destroys it? Really curious about this.
If you delete your commander first, all your stuff will explode. If you don't, all your stuff will remain where it is. This is to allow you to reconnect in case of network issues.
I think the com will die after ten minutes or so of inactivity. You'll also loose game state like groups when you reconnect. In order to reconnect, you have to quit the program (well, start the program technically) I made a mod that can do it from the start screen if you only leave the game. https://forums.uberent.com/threads/rel-reconnect-button-1-0-1-63180.57733/