Well, it's simple enough to mod halleys to not allow planetary smashing. I was just trying to figure out if there was a way to make unit tool weapons simulate the planetary collision physics, although after doing some searching it doesn't seem like that would be possible?
Sounds like that would be a server-side thing and we don't have anything really in terms of server-side modding so..
As, in, have an planet smash impact as the explosion for a weapon? I don't think its possible to make a weapon leave a crater, but the effect itself is easy to use.
In the old builds, there was an ammo file for asteroids that had "crater_radius": 260, but it is no longer present. It's possible that parameter would still work.
haha wow nice one Yep, adding that as a property to the ammo json will work. Unfortunately the crater radius seems fixed at what is probably 260, no matter what value you put in.
Barring duplicates stored elsewhere and other odd relocations, most of them appear to be in this section of strings (along with a lot of internal stuff) Code: unit_map UnitMapSpec: invalid format! UnitMapSpec: invalid item found for unit_types spec_id Collided Splashed Died ChildAttached ChildDetached FLIGHT_ Ballistic Direct Seeking Staged INTER_ GravWell System Enemies Target Ground Impact Destroy parent_bone apply_thrust ignores_LOS stage_duration ignores_gravity stage_turn_rate stage_change_range rotates_to_velocity release_payload die_here stage_change_height climb_angle initial_radius radius_velocity radius_accel unit_remove_radius burnable_remove_radius ammo specs must be named has_notifications ammo_type flight_type flight_layer interplanetary_type INTER_None splash_damage splash_radius full_damage_splash_radius armor_damage_map initial_velocity max_velocity local_forward accel_rate splash_damage_orbital splash_damages_allies collision_check collision_response collision_bounds cruise_height fx_trail fx_beam_spec fx_collision_spec audio_loop collision_audio impact_decals Invalid impact decal! Not a string. parts stages crater_scale crater_radius sim_fire_effect sim_impact_effect burn_damage burn_radius damage_volume AmmoSpec::isComplete check failed. Ammo spec has no id! AmmoSpec::isComplete check failed. Ammo spec has no ammo_type! [ AmmoSpec::isComplete check failed. Projectile ammo spec has no flight_type! [ AmmoSpec::isComplete check failed. Invalid combination CollisionResponse=Destroy and CollisionCheck!=Target [ AmmoSpec::isComplete check failed. Invalid combination flight_type=FLIGHT_Ballistic and ignore_gravity==true [ _ammo.json Spawned spawn_response use_celestial_aspect scale_to_planet Continuous resistance burn_duration damage damage_radius spread_chance timeToCollision Hostile Neutral Allied AlliedEco Self Consume Conserve tool specs must be named model max_health metal_value metal_rate reclaimable damageable path_cost filename show_strategic_icon feature_types placement_size burnable isComplete() check failed: Feature spec has no id! Invalid feature type! Not a string. Invalid feature type! Type FEATURETYPE_ Reclaimable Burnable Metal_Spot MetalSpot Control_Point ControlPoint system_name planet_configs HoldPosition Maneuver Roam AttackMove MaxValue wakeup triage PAEvaluator::isCritical encountered unknown entity type [%d] PAEvaluator::calculateEncodeMaskInfo encountered unknown entity type [%d] chronocam energy TARGETTYPE_ Spot Entity Rect Line MultiPos TOOL_ BuildArm Weapon AMMO_ PBAOE ORDER_ Move SpecialMove Patrol Build Attack Reclaim Repair Assist Load Unload FireSecondaryWeapon orderKindToString : unhandled case. unitevent_ spawned fired fired0 fired1 fired2 fired3 build_complete died destroyed disabled child_attached child_detached ammoevent_ collided Invalid Target Type Attempting to decode Invalid Target Type Entityid EndPoint Dumping invalid target type mSpecId mNum gravWell targetBody initialDistance targetParkingRadius radiusApoapsis radiusPeriapsis argPeriapsis orbitalPeriod pathDisplayDescriptor controllingArmy targetPlanet state teleporter selfGuided meanMotion t0Offset orbitalSpeedMult targetStack targetLocation targetRadius arrivalBehavior transitBegin transferTargetRadius transferDepartureRadius transitAlignment lockApsis notifyCollisionImminent notifyCollided charge_up_time turn_rate Idle Aiming Firing LAYER_ underwater surface_and_air celestial reconItemLayerFromString encountered unknown value: [ CHANNEL_ sight radar reconItemChannelFromString encountered unknown value: [ SHAPE_ sphere capsule reconItemShapeFromString encountered unknown value: [ uses_energy sphere_radius ignore_sight ignore_radar always_visible retain_visible show_ghost items observable observer processMessageEx stats Empty EntityId Radius Bounds End_Point Positions invalid planetId Teleporting Teleported Invalid target layers! Not a string. Invalid target layer! Layer SOURCE_ infinite ARC_ high tool_type construction_demand ammo_id ammo_id json is incorrect. Array element is not an object ammo_id json is incorrect. Object elements are not strings target_layers max_firing_velocity min_firing_velocity firing_standard_deviation rate_of_fire reload_rate max_range yaw_rate pitch_rate yaw_range pitch_range firing_arc_yaw firing_arc_pitch ammo_source arc_type ammo_capacity ammo_demand ammo_per_shot idle_aim_delay auto_attack auto_repair manual_fire spread_fire carpet_fire self_destruct no_busy_auto_attack auto_task_type anti_entity_targets : ignoring anti_entity_targets, not an array : tool is type anti_entity, yet no anti entity targets are found target_priorities : ignoring target priorities, not an array isComplete() check failed: Tool spec has no id! isComplete() check failed: Tool spec has no tool_type! [ Fired0 Fired1 Fired2 Fired3 BuildComplete Destroyed Enabled Disabled : ignoring specid , not a string unexpected vertex format unexpected index format Invalid order type! Not a string. Invalid order type! Order type AttachableSpec::parse received non-object Json offsets FactorySpec::parse received non-object Json store_units deploy_projectile default_build_stance Normal continuous initial_build_spec spawn_points default_ammo OrbitalThrusterSpec::parse received non-object Json power OrbitalThrustResolverSpec::parse received non-object Json default factory inert orderHandlerTypeFromString encountered unknown value: [ OrdersSpec::parse received non-object Json handler_type TeleporterSpec::parse received non-object Json energy_demand TeleportableSpec::parse received non-object Json TransporterSpec::parse received non-object Json capacity transporter_attach_bone transportable_attach_offset transportable_layers DeathWeaponSpec::parse received non-object Json ground_ammo_spec air_ammo_spec air_height_threshold USEABLE_ transport useableTypeFromString encountered unknown value [ UseableSpec::parse received non-object Json min_falloff_dist max_falloff_dist interval_variance interval EventResponseSpec::parse received non-object Json audio_cue audio_interplanetary effect_spec effect_scale effect_world_aligned effect_world_scaled camera_shake None Vehicle armorTypeFromString encountered unknown value [ Terrainless MetalPlanet Thrustable planetPropertyRestrictionsFromString encountered unknown value [ ScrollingUVSpec::parse received non-object Json scroll_rate uv_split _nav multiple models in spec with nav collision meshes with the same 'layer' this is not supported. unit specs must be named nuke_launcher {no display name} {no description} replaceable_units display_group Error in : Invalid display_group. Use integer values in [0 999] display_index : Invalid display_index. Use integer values in [0 999] mesh_bounds area_build_separation area_build_pattern legacy_orientation_hack TEMP_texelinfo command_caps can_only_assist_with_buildable_items buildable_types buildable_projectiles rolloff_dirs : ignoring rolloffs, not an array wait_to_rolloff_time factory_cooldown_time spawn_layers attachable orbital_thruster orders teleportable transporter transportable death_weapon useable scrolling_uv wreckage_health_frac atrophy_rate atrophy_cool_down consumption production storage energy_efficiency_requirement build_metal_cost tools : ignoring tools, not an array Unable to load tool spec: aim_bone record_index show_range fire_event Fired muzzle_bone primary_weapon More than one primary weapon found in spec: secondary_weapon More than one secondary weapon found in spec: Unknown tool type in unit spec: guard_radius nearby_target_tick_update_interval guard_layer : Unknown layer: armor_type build_restrictions : ignoring events, not an object death feature_requirements force_snap_to_feature_orientation feature_snap_ignores_pathability area_build_type show_in_orbital_layer enable_orbital_shell system_velocity_multiplier gravwell_velocity_multiplier planetary_arrival_cooldown_time activates_control_point influence_radius : invalid value for influence_radius ( ) -- must be a number isComplete() check failed: Unit spec has no id! isComplete() check failed: Unit spec has no unit types! bone_root Failed to load unit spec: Failed to load unit list evalExpression: Invalid starting character: evalExpression: Found ')' without matching '('. evalExpression: Invalid character: readOr: Invalid starting character: readOr: Invalid character: readParen: Invalid starting character: readParen: Invalid character: readTerm: Invalid character: readToken: Unknown unit type: Invalid unit type! Not a string. Invalid unit type! Type UNITTYPE_ Commander Fabber Debug Tank Bomber Fighter Gunship Transport Teleporter Scout Wall Nuke NukeDefense Heavy Artillery Tactical LaserPlatform AirDefense SurfaceDefense OrbitalDefense ControlModule PlanetEngine MetalProduction EnergyProduction Construction Naval Basic Advanced CmdBuild FabBuild FabAdvBuild FabOrbBuild FactoryBuild CombatFabBuild CombatFabAdvBuild Economy Factory Defense Offense Recon NoBuild Important Custom1 Custom2 Custom3 Custom4
Sorry to revive this old thread, but just so people know, the "crater_radius": 260 doesn't work correctly any more. It still creates a crater, but the crater itself is ugly, looks like a texture soup, it is always the same size so the number doesn't affect anything. Furthermore the crater is cosmetic only and thus units seem to stand in air when it is formed beneath them, it does not remove props, CSG, metal spots or units/structures. It does however fill with water if it connects to it.