Question for Devs: Private Match Team Randomization

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Im Hudson, October 29, 2010.

  1. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    One thing the community has consistently asked for is the ability to randomize teams in private matches.

    What we want is the option to fill a MNC private lobby with 12 friends/players, none of who are in an XBL party, and have the game randomly assign them to a team each time the lobby selects a new map. (Think something similar to the "auto-assign" option in COD4/MW2/Most FPS games.) Currently, the game randomizes the teams for the first game, then keeps them the same for every game after that.

    The DLC mentioned nothing about a change to this function, and I was wondering if it has ever been considered/when we will see it/why has it been rejected?

    I love pretty much every change that has been mentioned so far in the DLC update and thank you for your FREE DLC for this amazing game, but this was probably the change I was MOST looking forward to when we got private match customization. Unless I'm missing something, a feature like this seems like a no brainier for inclusion.

    Also, the kick option Shammas is asking for is very important to get rid of lobby griefers, or people accidentally invited who then refuse to leave and force the host to restart the lobby.

    Looking forward to the response! Thank you for being so amazingly open to feedback from the community. :)
  2. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Question ganked.
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Yes, I agree that was the only option I was really looking forward to for private matches. The others were just secondary.
  4. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    The teams aren't even random. It's the 1st six to join vs the 2nd six.
  5. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    We looked into more options to add into Private Match but had to limit it to what we announced because of the amount of rework required. With any major rework after a title has shipped, there's always a possibility of adding new bugs. Other than what's already mentioned, the ability to JIP (Join In Progess) without an invite to a friend that's in a Private Match was removed so you won't have random people in your friends list jumping into your Private Match. The host can still invite who he wants anytime during the game.

    There's a possibility that we could add more features to Private Match in future updates, but can't say for sure until we weigh that with other things we want to do in future DLC as well as time/difficulty involved.
  6. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I appreciate the response, but it really seems like private matches got attention in really advanced or niche areas before addressing very basic needs for both competitive and recreational private matches.

    Kick/boot, ability to pick your team, and team shuffle options are all very basic functions that would seem like they should be implemented before the actual game play options. Not saying I' not greatful for what we are receiving though. :)
  7. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    The actual gameplay options were a lot easier than doing the other things for Private Match which was implemented very late in development.
  8. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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  9. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    Here's my question, say we set our private match to all assassin, will we just start automatically as the stock assassin, or can we choose any custom assassins we have?

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