question about the new team based game mode

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by hailmikhail, June 29, 2013.

  1. hailmikhail

    hailmikhail Member

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    Hey guys, i was wandering about the new team mode and how you (as far as i know) share the same color. Isn't that confusing? I mean how do you tell your units apart from everyone on your team? How do you tell your commanders apart? Can you control your teammates units, e.g. your teammate makes a navy, then you hijack it.
  2. torrasque

    torrasque Active Member

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    It's one army that is shared between multiple players. There is no "your" units and "their" units.
    If you want to not share an army, you should do a game with alliance* and not a game withe shared army.

    *That game mode is not available yet.

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