Question about the Assault

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by L-Spiro, April 16, 2011.

  1. L-Spiro

    L-Spiro New Member

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    Is there something I dont know about Assaults abilities?
    I mean I never play Assault so of course there are but-

    As an Assassin I was playing on a server where one enemy Assault was very beginner level, it seemed.
    Not much money, no dodging/jumping when he saw me, etc.
    In fact he often just stared at me as if daring me into a lunge grapple to his face. He didnt even shoot at me.

    After I obliged the first time I noticed that somehow as soon as my lunge ended he had grappled me. Thinking he got lucky (considering his skill level) I tested it a few more times.
    Every single time I lunged at his face he auto-grappled me so fast I couldnt possibly do my own grapple.

    So what is this? He is too beginner to have such timing and he knew he would always counter my lunge before I could follow with a grapple.
    Does the Assault have an auto-grapple besides his dash (the guy definitely did not dash), or is there some cheat that auto-grapples when a target gets close enough?

    It is normal that I have not noticed any other Assaults doing this because everyone else plays normally. Like knowing how to move and jump.
    So for every other Assault, I am unlikely to grapple to the face (always from behind), and so I would never have really noticed this before, in case this is normal behavior or some skill Assault has.

    L. Spiro
  2. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Could be legit, I think the GL grapple is instantaneous if it connects
  3. L-Spiro

    L-Spiro New Member

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    How easy is it to time that?

    I just tested on some more guys to the face and none of them could counter like he did.

    L. Spiro
  4. Lyrae

    Lyrae New Member

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    New player who performs incredibly, even better than some players who have spent 100+ hours playing?

    Smells like hax.
  5. MasterXC

    MasterXC New Member

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    Probably a hack...but you should be backstabbing anyway! :twisted:
  6. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    OP probably was going for a backstab but the assault's hack may target assassins aiming at you, thus explaining why he was always like expecting the sin to charge.

    or he's a smurf
  7. L-Spiro

    L-Spiro New Member

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    I always go for the back which is why I never noticed this behavior before (or because this behavior is only possible via a hack).

    I only made an exception for this guy because he was so beginner-level.
    He was sitting there half the match shooting his machine gun at our RockIt turret.
    Then when I approached he acknowledged that he heard my cloak by spinning around looking for me.
    But only by spinning around. Any normal player will start jumping, moving, maybe firing a few test shots hoping to hit something.

    So I already knew the guy was a total and complete newbie.
    So he finally saw my faint outline while I was moving and just stared in my direction. Not firing, not dodging.

    I figured, Okay, this doesnt need to be from behind; anything will knock this guy over.

    So I lunged from the front and before I could do anything else he automatically grappled me and tossed me away.

    I thought, WTF. He doesnt know how to dodge or kill turrets, but he knows how to grapple AND his timing was perfect. I want to see this again.

    From that point on I was basically determined to get him to miss his counter-grapple.
    After about 20 or 25 times, he never missed a single one.

    I have played plenty of pro Assaults who can counter a face lunge before the grapple follows, but not as reliably as he was doing it.

    Note that I did also come at him from behind and that was no problem.

    Could it be that he has a rapid-tap hotkey set?
    So as soon as he realizes there is a lunge he could just hold it down and it will just grapple as soon as humanly possible?
    He definitely has something to manipulate the outcome of face-lunge grapples.

    L. Spiro
  8. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Maybe some shenanigans here, but I did this earlier to an assassin while playing assault myself. On PC, I also did this to whom I believe is zodiark (does he play assassin with a friend usually?), with a gunner. I would pretend not to notice him pass by at a distance (he was setting up a lunge-grapple), and keep a 90-degree-angle eye on him, and when he did spring I would short-jump-slam him off the map on spunky back at the bot spawn.

    The assault you were playing against was basically "charging a flashkick". Think of it like street fighter. If you do anything, including a lunge, then you have a small window where you are in lunge animation. In that period while your in animation, while you are close enough to grapple, he can grapple you. If he has charge3, he can loldoublegrapple you, first with his nade launcher, then with his charge.

    He was just waiting you out, and waiting to react to your long lunge animation with his grapple.

    As usual, I offer some solutions:

    First off, if he turns in your direction but doesn't shoot, this is a VERY common trick from xbox community to bait you. If he was to shoot or walk torwards you, you are just going to run off. He then would have to either spend time finding you or risk turning his back on an opponent that is still out there watching him somewhere. What he did was simply look partially in your direction, pretend to kind of not see you, and hit you as soon as you dedicated yourself to close quarters combat and long animated lunge. THEREFORE, if you think he kind of notices you, either stand still forever to piss him off and make him act first, or really walk away and find another target. What harm does he do shooting turrets with assault rifle? Some people are enemy-hunters and don't care about turrets, they just want to bait enemies (or they are idiots who don't like the grenade launcher because it "doesn't kill pros")

    Second off, there are things you can do to get him anyway if he tries to wait you out. You can make damn sure your lunge is at max range to minimize the part of the animation that is right next to him, because if you are a sword slash away from him then you are too far to be grappled or grapple him, so you lunge him from max range and he misses his grapple then all you have to do is walk up and grapple while his grapple is in cooldown. ALSO, when your smokebomb is upgraded once or twice it has a pretty decent range. What you can do is just walk up half the distance of a lunge and just smokebomb, to blind him and possibly make him waste a charge, and then drop behind him and lunge-grapple (unless this scares him away, then at least you got ridda him).

    Heck, even if you lunge from TOO far away, you at least trick him into trying to grapple when you aren't close enough and you can try to follow up with smokebomb or another lunge or a jump-slash. Therefore, I would go with a lunge from as far away as you can. Assassins should always strive to make their lunge as long-range as possible, to avoid cloak sound or any warning at all. Also, assassins should take their cloak off if they are walking behind an enemy, he can't see you from behind but he can hear you if you leave it on.
  9. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    You said he tossed you away. That means he was using the Lv3 charge grapple, which will beat your lunge 100% of the time and does not require very precise timing
  10. [Knovocaine]

    [Knovocaine] New Member

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    Agree with the poster above. If he grappled you and tossed you it HAD to be charge3, because the grapple with the grenade launcher doesn't toss you away, and you can't grapple with the assault rifle unless it is a charge.

    What I personally believe is that every time he saw you he stopped and waited for you to lunge. When he saw the animation he just charged resulting in a free kill. Most of the time the charge animation is extremely short when the target is in close range, and to me it honestly looks like it doesn't even play it, especially after the normalization of the speed. Even new assaults can master the charge3 quickly. He probably did it a few times and realized how easy the kills are, so he focused on that as his main source of pro slaying.

    But then again, without video it is really hard to make any kind of determination of what happened.

    BOOM-STICK New Member

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    I agree with the two posts above, it had to be Charge 3. If it could that much damage, knock you back and beat lunge. Just don't try to face grapple assaults when they know what they're doing. I mean, low level doesn't exactly mean noob. (lol it's xeno)
  12. L-Spiro

    L-Spiro New Member

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    I get everyone else from behind (hey I just like it that way) but I went for his front-end 20-25 times. He must have thought I was a total newbie, although I was really just trying to see the capabilities of Assault and how easy it is to counter my elongated lunge.

    Apparently it is trivial. Now I know.

    And yes hello BOOM-STICK. I was training my friend MaTiN in the ways of Tank.

    L. Spiro

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