How effective are the long range turrets when upgraded and hacked? I used to try that as support, but it never seemed effective. Am I right in thinking that they are ineffective?
I've never had any luck with them at all, I used to bust them out when there were a bunch of camping snipers but I don't even bother anymore. It's a shame, if they worked like gapshots they'd be awesome.
They can be somewhat useful. 3.3s work pretty well. Imo Gapshots are the best for long range attacks. If the enemy has lots of turrets, a few Gapshots will destory almost all of them. They work really well on Spunky.
Longshot turrets are probably the only turret that needs some sort of assistance to be really effective. The problem is they have horrible aim and don't lead their targets, shooting at where they are not where they are going to be. Mainly against bots. Placement is also key seeing as how they are "longshots" their range isn't that great.
They have very limited uses in both Blitz and Crossfire. If no other turret could go there and not be a waste, I build a longshot.
Long shots basically cover a radius side of the map. The closer they are to the enemy the farther back of the enemy base they will reach. In other words a long shot in the back nubs will reach the closest nub in the front of the enemy. They do have bad detection on Spunky as they do nothing but try and shoot the rocket nubs beside the enemy money ball. If you can destroy those nubs they will go after the closest targets. Yes gapshots are extremely more effective but if you got bot killers in your area they are a waste of cash. Longshots also null enemies building turrets and keep constant fire on them. Lazer razor is a perfect example of a map where they single out 1 turret and keep shooting at it until it's destroyed. Just remember the farther back you build them the harder it is to reach into the enemy area. Hacks Level 1- increases range Level 2- increases rate Level 3- increases both Each level of long shot built increases rate and range as well with out hacks. Longshot 3.3 > Range then 3, 3.2, 3.1
I used to build them a lot when I played solo pubs. Great for getting assists and sometimes a kill or two, killing bots, and making some money. A 3.3 can do some damage, but one or two 3s can still make you some free cash.