Push bots, destroy the moneyball.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Ninja Wallace, December 19, 2010.

  1. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    In other words, the objective of the game. I know this has been said before, but unlike everyone else, I'm not raging because I keep getting spawn killed. Every single time I join a party and start playing the game like it's supposed to be, I hear people shouting:
    "Why is the moneyball down already?"
    "Stop attacking their bots!"
    "Don't take down their turrets!"
    "Let them get the annihilator!"

    These are extreme examples, and such requests are often more passive, but the message is the same nonetheless. I am completely sick of it, and it makes for completely boring games. I'm not going to say who's doing it, but I'm sure they know who they are. I get that it's not fun to win every game in one minute and just constantly stomp every team, but how is it fun to gather round in a circle and effortlessly kill everything that comes out of the spawn? If you're really that tired of pubstomps, get more people and try to form a full game. Can't do that? Split up your team. That's not fun to you? Find a better game. Is there not one? Go play something else.

    This game is absolutely fantastic when the teams are well matched, but it's entirely a drag when they're not. This is really a testament to good balance and design more than anything else. I've really reached a point where I actually want to be paired with a bad team to provide more of a challenge for myself. It sucks that 95% of people are terrible. I still play every game like I would against the best team in the world. If everybody else did the same, maybe this wouldn't be as much of an issue.
  2. adeadzombie

    adeadzombie New Member

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    The problem is that not everyone on a team is focused on the moneyball. Sometimes we wil get those random people from a game like call of duty or halo that only careabo ut kills. You cant control what EVERYONE does.
  3. Rannek17

    Rannek17 New Member

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    wrong board dude, this one's filled with k/d farmers. go to gamefaqs, the majority there are much more serious players.
  4. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    Push bots, destroy moneyball, make everyone quit, sit in lobby for 5 minutes.

    That's the game you like to play?
  5. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    I prefer it to kill everyone for 15 minutes and never die without encountering any sort of challenge and being bored the whole round in a game that fluctuates constantly between 2-4 players against a full team and then having to sit in the lobby once it ends for god knows how long anyway.

    Though I'd quite honestly prefer neither.
  6. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I have to agree with you fully Ninja Wallace. I get players all the time telling me or announcing that I should not attack the downed Moneyball and we should keep the match going longer as a way to make more money.

    I am sorry if I play the objective in an objective based game.

    HI IM SNARF New Member

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    I'd rather end the shitty games quickly so that the bad players will leave sooner and I can get into a better game.
  8. Grec

    Grec New Member

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    Killing pros can be helpful to the objective. I hate it when people say that they only thing that matters is turret and bots when it's actually all three factors of Bots/Pros/Turrets. I can't count how many times I've saved the game by killing a pro that bought juice in overtime.

    HI IM SNARF New Member

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    Yeah, nobody's saying that pro kills aren't important. But most people (especially who have grown up playing Halo and COD deathmatch) pretty much associate k/d with cock size. We're just trying to de-emphasize that fact.
  10. JaneWayne

    JaneWayne New Member

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    I totally get this. I can't play when I'm told to stop doing my "job" in the game. If I play, I'm going to push and hit the moneyball. If I get kills on the way, awesome. If I'm there juiced at the money ball and people want to try and snag me, sure I'll go after them, but I don't want to sit there doing nothing but humiliating the other team by spawn killing or the such. It's not fun done to me and I'm sure it sucks for them too. I believe in the treat others how you want to be treated bit, call me whatever but I think even xbox can have ettiquette. I play with some people who do nothing but go for kills or if I'm in the mood to go Sniper I won't push offensively too much, but at least when I'm with some of these guys, they DON'T order me to stop trying to win so they can rack up kills, and I can abide by that. They do their thing, I do mine and at the end of the day, win or lose, we had fun in our own respective ways.

    Anyways, I feel like I ranted and whined here so I think I'm done :p
  11. Grec

    Grec New Member

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    Ya I know what you mean. I mainly play fighting games like Smash, Guilty Gear, Soul Cal and EX Street Fighter. I was terribad at twitch shooters and my KD was really low (like .45) when I first started playing COD. But then I got better and I started getting really good scores, but people would give me **** for my low KD but high kill streaks. It was really annoying and a lot of people accused me of being a booster.
  12. Cardboardwarior

    Cardboardwarior New Member

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    More people leave when you spawncamp than when you blow up the ball. :lol:
  13. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    Pro spawning wave times need to be shorter. I say bots too, but maybe that's asking too much.

    Time between player waves: 4 seconds. Keeps people spawning, feeds the kill-hounds and gives a 'flood the gates' method to pushing people out of the spawn ring.

    Bot waves: every 7 seconds. Pile em up! I love a huge wave of bots to destroy. Screw frame rate, gimme a 20 bot deathblossom :D
  14. lDeadEye

    lDeadEye New Member

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    Don't know if you played, but when it first released it was 5. Games were really laggy.
  15. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    While I don't take it to the extreme, I will allow certain things to pass by to make things more challenging on myself. I'll kill like crazy, destroy turrets, blow up bots, etc., but it'll vary to what degree. I'll always harass the Moneyball though.

    The only thing I refuse to do is touch the Annihilator. I'm already winning. That just might be the way to make the game more fun for me.
  16. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    I was really just throwing a number out there. Seems like 7 would be pretty fast, and I played what I THINK was the first version, where bot spawners were 5 second CD and people could glitch-run with assassin.

    I think this whole thread is LOL, tbh.
  17. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    90% of players are testosterone-fuelled, ego-driven, insecurity-ridden young males.

    MNC levels and core design mean a winning team pretty much has to camp the opponents spawn.

    MNC lobby is terrible for balancing teams (and pretty much everything else a lobby should do)

    So as much as I agree with the OP, it's how this game is and will always be. Great fun.. but only sometimes, whether you're winning or losing.

    p.s. http://www.gametrailers.com/video/vietnam-dlc-battlefield-bad/708601
  18. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    I'm honestly at a point I don't even care anymore
    I want to spend more time PLAYING, then in the lobby, sue me.

    If I win, they leave.
    If I camp them, they leave.
    If I take it easy on em, they leave.
    If I let them win, THEY LEAVE.

    The only way people won't freaking leave is if they get a landslide victory and its bull.
  19. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Though I have been lucky and gotten a few nice guys.
  20. The Dude 421

    The Dude 421 New Member

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