Why do people pubstomp in parties of 5, then when any kind of opposition comes in, they just quit out? It really shows a lack of morals and is kind of a pansy thing to do in general. Just curious... Also, this topic is not about Organous.
Whenever my mediocre friends and I pubstomped, we would simply play until a large party came in and then try to see who quit out first. It was never us, unless host was so poor (not naming names, hereafter referred to as N3) we were seeing the match as it happened several seconds ago. Even if we got our asses kicked by a better team, we'd stay in if it was a good host, since they're hard to find when parties are playing.
The problem with this is that one of you will usually get host within a few games. Also, you can easily play in a party all night and never run into a group bigger than two or three people partied up.
EXACTLY DUBBLEKILL!!! But seriously, why? :? It seems like these pansies are just looking for easy wins, and when presented with a challenge, they will immediately back down. What is the fun in that?
A party of 5 playing half assed will beat random players. They will have fun. When other people who are of equal or greater skill join, it's a stalemate unless people start trying. Many people don't want to play games like that all the time, so they stick with having fun dominating. That's what I think anyway.
I sometimes play in a party of 4-5 but mostly 3-4 and we only play for fun, like SMG sniper only, or shotun or hurt gun only...we try not to kill the other team as bad so that they wont quit.
In all seriousness, if you can even get serious about this, but that's besides the point. In all seriousness, I've been playing with F5in, NoJohnz, and a few peeps who just recently got the game. I don't consider this pubstomping since the new players who are with us can't hold their own - I'll give you an example. I was playing with the players I mentioned above, and a couple members of GP appear in our lobby, and then Intervention shows up. We had a friend in our party who was about to play his first game online. Me and Sin knew it would ruin his experience, so we backed out, and Sin sent the guys a message. Do I think any lower of myself or the players in my party? Under those circumstances, no. Now, do I think lower of people who literally don't want to play any sort of competition even though they could hold their own? Yea, maybe a little. I'm not saying you have to play competitive every game, not at all. I would just imagine it being a little stale playing incompetent players all the time.
I only sent Miracle a message explaining it (or maybe it was Shammas? I don't remember), so hopefully he told the others.
You sent it to miracle because shammas never plays with us that often. I joined because they said "sophisticated was in there" My response "who is that?" cron "some guy from gamefaq's that talks poop."
A lot of the time we do all (insert class here) Or one memorable game where everyone but me went turtle, and I went 'pro assgrab' Assassin
They're only going to get better playing against higher caliber players. You should be explaining things as the game, since the same situations wouldn't happen against random players. I mean, unless you are going for the team of 6, juice chaining, chasing me to the depths of my base experience.. because I'm sure that's what they're going to benefit from.
Padding K/D. If you ever played CoD, that is ALL that matters, and somehow is the only way to have fun. If that number isn't getting bigger, no fun. I love privs, they are fun gameplay, but that number of mine sure goes down.
He's not going to get better dying over and over during his first game as he has no idea what's happening.
Yeah, all the people in this thread who are making excuses and whatnot are not even pubstomping. Y'all are actually trying to help newer members or are "nerfing" yourselves to make the games fun for everyone. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. I'm talking about the immoral A-hole pansies who run together in parties of 4+ and farm kills and wins then quit when things get interesting. It makes no sense to me. :?
You're forgetting something - he was a new player. Definitely, the only way to get better once you're a somewhat experienced player yourself is to play against players of equal or better skill. This doesn't apply at all to new players. You must learn to walk before you can run, my friend.