It's actually really fun, I'm giving us 10 minutes to build up our skills, 20 minute overtime. No annihilator, no bullseye, no buying juice and it is really fun!
Thanks? XD. I don't even really play Tank much. It's from all the sniping I do. Maybe I should play Tank more. :O
I recorded a few matches hopefully I will have a video up tomorrow. All Tanks with Rail Gun only was awesome.
I know there is a glitch that lets you be able to do a public private match, but randoms couldnt join... maybe its broken? o-o
Then that's just a private game...? OfficerFuttBuck was hosting a public game of Crossfire, with randoms joining, except he had private match controls. 12 Tanks and 12 Assassins were highlights. Obsdianyte would have loved it, but she wouldn't play Hopefully we can pull this little exploit again...
The problem is that I'm the only one who might know how to do it again and my host sucks... and it would require me to pull host.
Those games were ridiculously fun. I probably would've stayed in there most of the night if my internet had been cooperating.
I am reviewing some of the footage and I hope the quality is good. Watching it on my PC it is kind of choppy. There is just so much good footage though it'll require a lot of editing to make it a decent only if I had the MNC menu music loop.