Pub Vs. Competetive Assault

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by truckus, July 6, 2011.

  1. truckus

    truckus New Member

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    First let me say that I don't doubt the skill of "competetive" assaults at all. I'm speaking of the well known ones of course, we all know who they are.

    Since I've never really played against most of the well known competetive players that mostly play assault or are just known to be great comp. assaults I'm left to wonder what makes them better than some of the better "pub assaults" out there. I'm sure we've all run into them at one time or another, you know who they are.

    Is it their decision making?

    Assault rifle aim?

    Bomb throws?

    A combination of many things, including teamwork?

    I already know this thread will end in people insulting one another, but I really am curious as to WHY good comp. assaults are revered and good pub assaults are made fun of. "pub assault" has become an insult unto itself around here :lol:

    I guess the real question I have is: are pub assaults made fun of because there really is a huge skill gap between pub and comp. assaults or is it just because these "pub hero's" don't play competetively?

    DISCLAIMER: this has nothing to do with me personally, I play every class except tank and I hardly consider myself an awesome pub assault.
  2. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    The things that separate them are teamwork, a little bit of aim, and the KEY, CRUCIAL difference between slaying and kill-whoring. You'll see Miracle or Chron pushing the middle and taking out the entire team, pushing them back into their spawn, working with their teammates, and generally playing to win. Then you'll see Xenonox or TheJosh sitting at the back of a bot lane grenade launching bots and waiting for juice to push the middle. At the end, you'll see Miracle and Chron with stats like 25-18-7, and you'll see Xeno and and TheJosh with stats like 13-6-0. Guess which team won? Who do you think had the better game? Also, if pub assaults try to play like good assaults, they usually end up getting outslayed by better players and resorting to the same tactics as before.
    That is what generally separates them.
  3. joker

    joker Active Member

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    You are on the right track. (mongoose)

    A pub assault will: pick assault because it's easiest to camp for juice & juice chain and hardest for sub par players to deal with. have good enough aim and good enough direct damage bomb use. basically, they play for stats and juice abuse (but who doesnt in pubs, right?)

    A GOOD competitive assault will: Communicate well and do everything in his power to make his teammate gunner's life easier in battle and constantly keep the opposing team's sniper under duress. They made good flanks (does not need to be for a kill, but to pester and draw attention away from his team's gunner so that it can advance to a stronger map position) and uses bomb placement in retreat zones (behind an opponent, shoot them so they back into it) and bomb placement to separate the gunner & support. In competitive play it is 100% the assault's responsibility to make sure the opponent's ball stays down when it goes down.

    When i play assault with H&S me and miracle use alot of teamwork, and with confidence in his ability and his confidence in my playmaking, the bait & switch is a key play in competitive MNC with assault & gunner. In matches vs a good sniper like say, zatchmo, i usually focus about 80% of my attention on him, i dont have to kill him necessarily, but making him retreat gives miracle's gunner the necessary 5-10 seconds to move foward much more easily and slay with the rest of our team behind him. And sometimes, that 5-10 second play is all that is needed for the match to be game over.
  4. truckus

    truckus New Member

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    Awesome stuff, you two. Thinking about this deffinitely makes playing Assault seem more objective-based rather than "play-your-own-mini-game" based.

    I'd really like to see some Comp. Assault gameplay videos or even one of the well known Comp. Assaults like Chr0n1cle and Kczki (sp?) playing pub games. I guess there's lots of playstyles out there and something to learn from all of them.
  5. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    New Team
  6. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    The big difference between comp. and pub assaults is the mindset. A good competitive assault should know when to retreat, when to attack, when to cover for team mates, and how to hold back enemies for his team mates to push forward and take ground.

    Pilkey, the assault on my team, is really, really good at what he does. He has the objective mindset, and he holds ground for me to move my firebase forward and the other team mates to move into position to defend an area. When that area is taken over and guarded, he moves on to somewhere else.

    Aim and bomb skills are also necessary. That is why so many comp assaults run Armor/Accuracy/Skill. Good accuracy combined with a bomb will give most people a hard time.

    If you ask me though, the assault is slightly overpowered. Once an assault gets into a gunner or tank's blind spot, the gunner or tank in the situation doesn't stand a chance unless the assault is stupid or makes a mistake. A powerful bomb combined a high-damage weapon seems slightly OP. If the enemy gets to close, just charge them away. The assault has a lot of advantages over other classes.

    Competitive assaults have a different mindset than pub assaults. If you take away the skills of aiming and bomb throwing, the mindset is what makes the difference.
  7. Mrsubguy

    Mrsubguy New Member

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    The fact that half the pub assaults don't leave base, and if they do they don't bother attacking the money ball if it's down :roll:
  8. Drizydraker0ger

    Drizydraker0ger New Member

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    I play assault not main in pubs anymore. But don't consider myself a juice chainer. I only do it to counter someone who seems to have juice every 5 seconds. I get messages saying it's the only class I can play. I juice 1-3 times a match and that's from pushing bots. Not hitting them or buying juice. I feel it takes alot of jumping around staying high and using your bombs and retreating at the right time to do competitive. I remember once match i did as a scrim. Against awesome players i had 3 kills 7 deaths they won first round. The next i had 21 kills 3 deaths. Most kills on team why. Cause i looked for perfect moments to ambush people in 1 on 1. I saved juice when enemy team was cluttered i put pressure on the bot lanes so they had to focus on the bots versus me. Plus i actually heard what my team needed help in. Kept players out the middle. Team work makes a good assault. If you can help a team member and play smart you will be a good player. Comp assault pub assault. It doesn't matter as long as you like playing assault.
  9. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    Since shammas has a capture card and plays every class, really, the best thing that could happen for everybody is for Shammas to record himself playing as each class in various competitive matches.

    Since Tom won't let him in his privates anymore (or is that just Miracle and Chronicle?), I don't think that would ever happen, but it would be nice.

    The difference between pub players and competitive players, in any scenario, is that pub players' primary goal is to have a good kill death ratio. A competitive player's primary goal is to contain and push map control until you have enough map control to walk bots in on the ball. Various players have different ways of controlling the map (assassin controls the bot lanes; assault and sniper and tank push people back; gunner is really kind of the place holder more than the place pusher...that doesn't mean that he shouldn't be moving forward, though). Also, a common misconception is that an assassin has to drop the ball. Once bots are walking up on the ball, ANYBODY AVAILABLE should attempt to assist that wave of bots in. Chances are the assassin needs to drop back anyway and make sure the other bot lane stays in check.

    Wow, I went way off on a tangent there. Good pot.
  10. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    in a public or competitive setting, an assault would have to be running RoF/Crit/Acc to be lucky enough to take out a high-skill gunner from behind, and even then he would have about a 20(comp)-50(pub)% chance of actually getting the kill against a good gunner.
  11. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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    I like to spam grenades from my spawn to get juice. I'm a good assault player?
  12. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    Wazupwiop, any good competitive assault uses Armor and RoF on gold and silver, either works. Skill and bronze are the 2 most common bronze endorsements, depending on playstyle.
  13. joker

    joker Active Member

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    What he meant.

    I personally use Armor, Rate, Skill
  14. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    Why do you not use accuracy? I don't like gold accuracy on the assault, but silver is really good. When I don't use bronze accuracy, it seems like all my bullets miss.
  15. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    Jump and then ADS. That way you still have some mobility and you're aim is better. That's what I do and I rarely use accuracy now.
  16. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    Don't even jump a lot, just strafe. Only jump once in a while.
  17. joker

    joker Active Member

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    To put it simply, i dont need it
  18. Mrsubguy

    Mrsubguy New Member

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    Sorry Mr perfect :p, though I agree once you take it off you get use to it, I also surprisingly like the default assault, if it had some god damn armor on it.
  19. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    I normally use RoF/Armour/Clip Size, so I can unload a few more grenades into the Moneyball when Juiced.
  20. lilslayertorres

    lilslayertorres Member

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    I don't play assualt much but here is my set up anyway Accuracy,Rate of fire,and I dont remember the bronze maybe Ammo? :lol:

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