Okay, so today I joined a game where you were only allowed to use a sniper. The next round, pure gunners. I asked privateryan how he did it but no answer. So if anyone out there knows how to make a private/public match can you please tell me! It was a lot of fun and I want to be able to do that myself So yeah, tell me please.
Sorry, we're not turning this into Team Fortress 2 I'LL PLAY SPY IF I WANT :| (I also know how to do it :lol: ) No.
OK. Have yet to try it, so till going to try it. (Not going to restrict classes, but long games with no overtime!)
Wasting your time. I just said that it's not to do with pulling host. Everyone pulls host. This is a glitch in matchmaking, caused by a number of certain events
The last one i joined was made by people from the forum, 1 tank on either team and the rest were assassins. But the the tanks playing were friends and didnt kill each other just assassins, the sad thing was the randoms joining didnt know to back out as they thought it was a real game, pathetic.
DeadStretch has obviously forgotten how long it takes Microsoft to certify a patch, a patch that probably isn't finished yet, if they've even started work on it. Edit, plz.
Because they're a small team, they have approximately one person for every specific job, the PC launch had to be delayed, Eka thanked the community for the current bug list (implying that they're yet to work on it/still working on it), and Microsoft certification is painfully slow. We might not have a patch for a month or two yet.
I was in the Gunner game, and I had a BLAST. I basically was fighting 2-3 gunners the entire game, and went pretty huge. 70-6 or something like that I think. The only thing that sucked is that I joined and the hosts team was already nailing our downed ball past 25%. Managed to get it back up, but I couldn't get their ball hurt enough before overtime and we lost.
I saw you there! You basically turned our team around (ryan was owning us all), I was having fun too even though I'm not exactly a gunner. It sucks though because I accidentally exited the game and couldn't rejoin So, I wanna do this for others can have just as much fun as I did.
I'm sure that eventually, with enough practice you'll be able to win. I think the problem is not you aren't getting enough kills.