Servers are still coming online. This fixes a number of issues, including a crash on shutdown a number of people have encountered, inability to spawn a local server for Mac users and some windows players, and other fixes/improvements. This also should improve the behavior of Area Attack Move back to its original state, which still needs improvement, but resolves the aberrant behavior of not attacking within the area indicated fully, depending on unit types.
Have either of these been addressed? 1. Modded servers showing up by default, as @masterdigital said he was doing. 2. Some server API work pl0x?
1. Not sure. Will find out. Re 2. We have a lot of people working on the product, but server or modding API work won't move for a bit. It's very high on our list, but we are trying to lock down the core experience still, stabilize the offline server, and make sure the experience for 98% of our players is awesome as possible before we get too deep into modding/API work. That's not to say work won't happen from build to build, but we have a lot of things to focus on near term. Trust me when I say we've heard you, and when we have a more meaningful bit of information on modding, we will share it. It's important to us too.
Wow i love all this progress! so many new little updates rollling right on in! however i must note you guys havent done anything with naval yet ='(
Jables said that it needs some work recently so I'd expect something to be done to it within the next month or so.
Of course not, they have to work 24 hours a day 7 days a week to prevent the community from imploding :O
By the way, we need an experimental unit with a shield around him and shooting units into space. Just saying.
Sighs.... My bluetooth Stack still crashes the server Is there a way i can upload a crashlog for the server..