Who here has a PS3? I have one, but I rarely get on. When I do, though, I'm usually playing Black Ops or Gran Turismo 5. Also, my PSN is zKeMiCAL-_- if anyone wants to add me. :?
Whew, that's... Yeah. I used to have a PS3, but Xbox gets everything so I decided to switch when my cousin dropped it.
I have a PS3, Disgaea alone makes the decision over 360 for me, not to mention Demon's Souls and other great exclusives.
BULLPOOP KILLZONE 3 IS THE BESTEST GAEM EVAR. At least the beta was. At my friend's house. I DO have a PS3, but I don't play online with it. Believe it or not, my dad actually plays on it.
I kind of liked the idea that you could spray stuff though. That was nice for clans. And yeah, the first one was awesome too. I knew only knew like, 3 lines on Moscow, but I still got awesome scores online. God, I wish I was 9 again...
i do but it never gets used because i hate the controller, honestly the system , its interface , and its free online service sh1ts on xbox. I just really hate the ps3 controller. Any chance of the ps3 getting some MNC love? All my local friends have ps3 and no xbox and i know they would love this game.
You guys are crazy. PC MASTER RACE! This thread is now for bashing consoles! On a serious note. I find that the PS3 is more casual and more relaxed then the Xbox. Which suits me fine as in some PC games there are a s***load of kiddies that insist on using the mic... from time to time i wish to get a break from that. so i whip out my Rock Band 3 and play some tunes with my pro guitar or pro drums. Rock on! Also free online services... subscriptions isn't my style...
On some PC games are kiddies? Play Black-Ops on the 360 and start getting insulted by some little dipshits who can't play.
I mostly hate PS3 because of the controller too. It's just not comfortable to hold. The only good reason to own a PS3 is for the blue-ray, imo.