Pros/Jackbots/Bullseye Only drop Speed Boosts

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Yappy Type Dog, August 17, 2010.

  1. Yappy Type Dog

    Yappy Type Dog New Member

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    I'm pretty sure this is a bug since in dev videos I saw all different boosts dropping during gameplay.

    Basically, in my experience, every time a pro is killed they are supposed to drop upgrades based on their sponsor choices for whomever is closest to grab them for a minor boost (if you have bronze speed and grab a speed icon, you get silver speed. Grab a second one and get gold speed). The problem is that speed seems to be the ONLY stat that is dropping. If I kill someone using a speed sponsor then I can grab the speed upgrade, and I only drop one when I have a speed sponsor as well, but I'm going to assume that this is meant to go across the board for all sponsors and not just speed. Is this happening to everyone else?

    E.G: ... =mediaFull

    In that screenshot you can see boost drops for several stats on the floor (albeit older versions of them).
  2. blurr

    blurr New Member

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    It could be that they simply decided it wasn't good for gameplay to have all those boosts being dropped. I know I see speed boosts and Juice drops, and of course money.

    Perhaps the Juice was a better idea than the various other boosts because it does pump you up but only for a limited time and only after you collect a bunch of it. This would stop a good player from getting all the boosts and becoming super powerful very quickly.
  3. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    I always thought those drops were cut due to balance issues, you can see them pouring out of bullseye in one of the early trailers.

    I think the wing endorsement drops too often :p but if it is suppose to drop other skills as well hopefully it's not a flood worth of endorsements to ruin the match.
  4. Yappy Type Dog

    Yappy Type Dog New Member

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    I didn't hear of it being removed intentionally, but I don't see why it would have been. Personally, I like the idea of a player dropping 1 of each of their sponsors 'boosts' when they go down. If you're worried about some enemy player swooping through and taking them all, that's another reason to stick together as a team, a teammate goes down near you and you can grab his boosts too.

    The idea of it being about balance doesn't register to me, the game already revolves around evolving and leveling up your character mid-game; which you can do at a much faster rate if you're a 'better' player, thereby making you more powerful than the 'worse' players you're facing. I don't see boost drops as a way of punishing worse players, but a way of just spicing things up in a game that I thought was all about crazy action and upgrades.

    Only having a speed drop basically makes taking a speed sponsor a bad idea, if you find yourself able to grab several of them than it was a waste, and if you have a bad game you're just feeding the enemy speed boosts. It seems less balanced to only put it on this one stat and not to either all or none of them.

    Obviously me saying any of this won't change the state of the game, I was just wondering if someone could help make me understand why it's a good idea to pump out the speed boosts and no other stat boosts (sans the wonderfully crispy bacon).
  5. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    We intentionally changed it to only drop speed.
  6. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Well, we also drop juice.
  7. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    The juice boxes just give you a fixed amount of juice, not the juice endorsement. The speed pickups give you a temporary speed increase that stacks with the speed endorsement. A gold speed endorsed assassin that picks up a speed boost then sprints ... I think she starts breaking freeway speed limits in most states.

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