When I start a match, nearly every time the game drops me into the map with a view of the whole planetary system, and then freezes solid for upwards of a minute, complete with loading cursor and occational white out of an unresponsive program. I wouldn't mind so much, but this happens after the match clock starts. It needlessly delays everyone's game, and more annoyingly, I often reach the 2 minute time out and the game auto-drops the commander without me getting a chance to pick a location. Multiplayer, single player skermish, GW matches, they're all like this, even on a single small planet map.
Please upload your DxDiag file (see my signature for details) so we can have a more detailed look at your system.
You're using outdated drivers for your HD 6800. An update will probably fix your issue. http://support.amd.com/de-de/download/desktop?os=Windows 7 - 64
Manually updated drivers, and that helped a bit. There's still hanging, but it's usually less than a minute. Anything else I can do to improve things?
Does the waiting time depend much on the size of the system? If you go to the system designer and create a single moon with 300 radius and play that, do you still need to wait for more than a minute?
It seems to be. A one planet system hangs for only a few seconds, an 8 planet system takes more than a minute. It seems really stupid if this is natural behavior, the clock shouldn't start until everyone's loaded into the match...
An eight planet systems is quite large, but the preloading in the lobby is supposed to take care of that though. So I'm not sure where the delay comes from. Do you run out of memory by any chance? The clock thing is so that the game can still start if one of the players loses their connection or crashes. Otherwise the others would have to wait indefinitely and the game would never start.