This does not happen very often, but it is VERY annoying. I'll fire a product level 3 grenade at someone at medium range. The grenade will explode as it hits them in the face. If had not hit them, it would bounce a bit then explode, this one explodes before it touches the ground, meaning it made contact with the player. -The player takes no damage -The player is not blinded -The skill is spent and the grenade is on cooldown I did this to SXD a few times last night, and he was like...what are you smoking, nothing hit me. I can see just fine. No idea what causes this. Has anyone else encountered this?
Well it would explain why I hit folks with the grenade and move to the side so they will shoot where I 'was', but track my move and take me down anyways.
You're on crack. Nothing hit me. All jokes aside, he's not lying. After playing against him for so long, and me being his favorite Billy Mays target, he was very upset when my dual-miniguns told him that I could still see.
i have been dealing with this a lot lately. i have seen the animation flash over the gunner i hit "thought i hit" and watch as the ball parts popped up 30 feet behind him all the while he was not blind or damaged. the server did have a good ping for me.
...Okay... I haven't seen this happen yet (though I've only played once since the patch), but I don't want to anytime soon. Maybe this will get fixed with the DLC. Is it on the list?
One thing to bear in mind is that unless the person messages you back you can't be certain about the blind effect "misfiring". They could in theory have jumped over the secondary effect. Because this game has aim assist I can often still kill the person who blinded me as a result.