Preventing the early rush win

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by sink74, August 17, 2010.

  1. sink74

    sink74 New Member

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    I've played more than a few Crossfire matches, and there's been only a few things that regularly result in my team losing. The most frustrating is when playing a team that goes after your moneyball early from above, thus bypassing all bots and most turrets.

    When this happens, I find myself constantly respawning in a vain attempt to slow down the inevitable early loss that is on its way. My question is twofold.

    First, what is happening that makes this so easy for the opposing team? Is my team playing like selfish newbs and ignoring everything but their own bottom line? Am I spending too much cash on turrets that can easily be ignored or destroyed?

    Second, what exactly can be done? I've tried rebuilding turrets as quickly as I can. I've tried switching to assassin to clear them out, but I usually take a death as soon as I uncloak. Asking the team for help doesn't do much, either because they don't care or can't help. Most other class swaps are completely ineffective since they can't help when a pair of opponents is posted up and waiting for me to go after them.

    So, any suggestions? Or do I just need to find a team of good players to run with.
  2. Skyllus zYn

    Skyllus zYn New Member

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    Kill the bots and the enemy push means nothing but some extra gold for them. Tank and Assassin are probably the best bot killers, so just spawn, run to the bots, take them out, then worry about the base.

    Alternatively, if you can trust your team to do the same on the other lane, kill the bots and keep on pushing. Soon you'll find yourself in the enemy base with their shield down and they will be running back.

    Don't buy turrets, they are a waste of money for the most part. You spend 50 on a laser blazer, it gets taken down and they get extra gold for it too. Think of it this way: Will this turret make me back my initial investment?

    The answer will almost always be no.
  3. ho bo zach

    ho bo zach New Member

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    wrong... if you keep them alive you will get kills from sub sins trying to rape your base. lazors are only worth it if you HEAL them.
  4. jjcpockets

    jjcpockets New Member

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    Yeah, if I see a base without turrets I can already tell you how much longer the game will last based on how much health their moneyball has.

    As for your campers, I don't recommend switching classes since you lose the money invested in the skill (unless it stays when you switch back?). Just take advantage of any skills you have that can clear them off that catwalk. Things like the assault's bomb, support's air strike, and the sniper's flak will send them running. In lieu of explosives you need to wait for reinforcements because one player usually isn't enough to rush two or more enemies.
  5. AceoStar

    AceoStar New Member

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    It does
  6. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    I'm not sure if the OP is talking about enemies exploiting the fact that they can take the moneyball down by themselves or if they're just going for a legitimate push.

    If they're coming in from below/all sides then supports should be hacking your missile turrets for range and snipers should be taking out any gunners that are sitting way outside and ranging turrets with their mortar. I know snipers should be for offense as well, but I've found that even just one sniper can really help base defense against players and bots alike (and especially against those #$%& ranging gunners)

    If they're coming in from the top, supports should put all their money into airstrikes; toss it in below them and get em from on top. Tanks should get in there to try to burn the rest of them out. Snipers should place traps up there as soon as they spawn.

    If you can manage to stop the attack, regroup with some bots and make a push. They'll have no turrets likely except for the regular missile ones so focus on killing players and spawning TONS of bouncers (gap-shots won't matter since they have no turrets) to keep them busy.

    that's all I can think of really.
  7. SaintJ

    SaintJ New Member

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    Part of it is finding a decent team to run with. That way if the base is getting attacked everyone will react and coordinate. If you have a mic and run with a team that has mics, things go a lot better. Personally, I'll be heading down a lane taking out as much as I can and suddenly our money ball is being attacked.

    "Hey, MB is being attacked, someone get back there" "I'm on it"

    Instead of 4 people going back because no one communicated, one goes back and catches the attacker off guard. If the person going back is support, they heal/over heal some turrets and boom, you're good!

    With the team I've played with, rarely ever do team rushes occurs. Make sure you're distinguishing between the team rush and the lack of skill your team has. Many times my team has gone down both lanes destroying everything, juiced when they get there, turrets have been down for awhile and the ball is down. We've won in 3 mins before and that was from a non-team rush strategy.

    Whoever said don't build turrets is stupid. Up your own skills first (passive always takes priority) then go and destory some bots/pros, go back to base and throw up a turret, rinse and repeat. Rocket turrets are hard to kill and hard to kill at a distance unless you are Assault or Gunner (secondary weapons for both can rip through turrets). Usually if your team can at least hold back the the other team, building up a good defense will deter anyone trying to get a semi-early rush.

    Good luck!
  8. Surberus

    Surberus New Member

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    I haven't decided whether or not to go with a snarky, dismissive, forum-ready comment, or just to thoughtfully respond to your post.

    I will try the second, but I apologize in advance if the first comes out.

    Turrets may not make you your money back, but that extra $1000 for winning the game sure is nice. A base without turrets is easy pickings because I can wander in, slaughter your bots and just wait until mine have busted through the shields and then lay waste to the MB.

    Turrets aren't just your last line of defense, they are a tactical decision. 'Hey, Im in their base, let me just... oh crap, I'm dead.'

    Plus, a few long shot turrets can be a huge tide-turner in the grand scheme of things. They will hit Assassins and Snipers alike, as well as crush bots. Say you just hit the Annihilator, your long shots can keep their bot production to almost nil and thusly let your boys plod in for imminent victory.

    Not building/Upgrading turrets is selfish and sign of an easy loss. As an Assassin, I skip skills early on, throw up a fully upgraded laser and a 1st lvl long shot then go hunting and come back to upgrade the long shot. I often finish games with fully maxed skills and enough money to get juiced a few times.
  9. Skyllus zYn

    Skyllus zYn New Member

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    Juice wins games, not turrets. I'm not advocating spending your money on skills, rather just save and get juice the moment you can and continue to get it all game. Get what skills you need and save the rest.

    It isn't hard to kill the bots with any class (Except Support at times), you don't really need turrets for that. With the exception of the glitch to shoot down the money ball, if you play with a decent team who focuses on killing bots when the enemy pushes, you won't lose unless the enemy juices in and takes you out as the bots push.

    Arguing game theory is kind of pointless right now since any team of 4-5 who goes into matchmaking steamrolls the enemy 90% of the time regardless of what strategy they use (my team has lost maybe 3-4 games over the course of a hundred or more, running all sorts of ideas). Just my general observations. Need organized matches for anything to really be proven over time.

    The OP asked how to stop an early base push. I replied the answer is to kill the bots. I think think anyone can really argue with that from a simple strategy perspective.
  10. PrivateJohn

    PrivateJohn New Member

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    I would go with the fact that your team are full of selfish player or assassins wana-be.

    Anyway early investment on turret seems like a waste to me. I tend to focus on my character first, then only move on to bot & occasionally turret...mainly the longshot turret, or missle depending on the situation.
  11. bryanchurch

    bryanchurch New Member

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    You can help your team by not resorting to an assassin switch hoping to turn the game around. Like others said turrets are key.. and better yet switch to a support. A support can turn a game around.. the average assassin player not so much.

    Switch over to support, heal/build turrets, and rain air strikes on enemies faces. Also, try keeping control of purchasing the anni if anything.
  12. TrMako

    TrMako New Member

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    To each his own, but I disagree. I think with building turrets, a strategy of the sooner the better works pretty well. If you get them up fast, they'll probably survive a long time before jackbots, other juiced pros, or skilled up pros can come by and destroy them, thus earning considerably more for your turret investment than if you build them mid-late game and they only survive a couple of minutes.

    Just my way of thinking.
  13. FiercelyFuzzy

    FiercelyFuzzy New Member

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    No wonder you are all losing, I always start the game off by building two Lazerblazer turrets. These turrets can rack me up money from anyone foolish enough to follow me back in or trying to sneak in to spawn camp. I've had games were my turrets can get me 5 kills a game.
  14. Chosen Predator

    Chosen Predator New Member

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    I'll say this it's not a good idea to NOT invest in turrets that is pretty much suicide - a good team is simple, kill the enemy bot, create good home defense with turrets while you're killing the enemy bots cause it will occupy them as they try to shoot your defense to allow their bots easy access

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