I didn't realize that holding A makes you jump higher on characters that don't have jump jets. Who thought that Goomba stomping was the only thing applied into MNC from Super Mario? Apprently, jumping is the same, too. Now, I can finally jump across the cans and get onto the elbow on Spunky from the spawn ring! :mrgreen:
It should be no surprise to you that I have been doing this also. And I am a scrambler. THANKS U INRADIATED RADEX
Same here. I've been play support since this game was launched and I didn't know that. There are so many things in this game that you don't know about until you see someone else do it or you read it here in the forums. For the longest time I didn't even know I could pick up my firebase.
Well, you tried it wrong. :mrgreen: Be Sniper. Jump onto the elbow from the spawn ring using the Spunky Cola cans as a bridge.
Seriously, I have been able to make that jump for awhile now (the last pillar is a little tricky). For the last hour, I've been trying to tap "A" to jump less high. I honestly can't do it. I don't think there is a difference.
I'll prove this is false. Go into a private match on lazer Razer and go Assault. Go on the right side of the map (in the bot lane). Don't buy the jump pad, but go right on top of it. Hold down A and when you get to the peak of your jump tap A to fly. You should just be able to go up to the top of the arena. Now repeat again but lightly tap A to jump. Should be no difference. Sorry if that's confusing :S.
That's because there is no difference. I'm not sure how this even got started. Hold down A all you like, you're never jumping any higher.