Almost every PM I'm in there are always a handful of players who are restricted to 1-2 classes they are able to play, which is more frustrating than losing to be honest. And it's not new players, its people deep into prestige and plenty of playtime. Now if someone doesn't like a class, that's one thing. To the others who feel its so far behind or not at a good enough PM level, why not play your weaker classes in pubs? If you play so poor with the class public lobbies can only benefit class mechanics and aim, and if you feel you're well above public skill and your aim is good enough, then stop juicing and be so overly aggressive you put yourself in terrible situations and need to make play after play to get a kill or two and stay alive. Now this may seem silly at first, but in super smash bros one of the better and more well known pros, M2K, practices against level 3 bots more than he does human players. Why? Mechanics comfortability. If you figure there are a large handful of players per class who have comparable aim, comparable general knowledge of class responsibility, where comes the skill gap separation? Quick thinking and execution in those do or die moments in the heat of fast gameplay. I'm not saying playing pubs will make you godly, but if you can refrain from juice chaining and picking teams apart by out 1v1ing each bad player at a time in a safe environment, go balls to the wall and play bloodthirstily aggressive and don't back out until you die, you will start to see improvement over time. Doing this in PMs will help improve your class as well. Playing in the safe zone completely stops progression of someone trying to improve. Sticking your neck out there in tough situations over and over will make you a better quick thinker and improve on the spot execution
I can't tell if this is a stab at people who play passively in pubs and PMs alike, or why wouldn't people play the right way to improve while playing the PMs instead of worrying about getting beat and having poor stats. Either way I approve Edit: after rereading, the third and likely way, you can't simulate an actual match in pubs
I'm just saying to play like you would in a private match, even if it's a pub. Just to get in the habit at least and then put it to good use in privates.
I agree with this. It sucks watching some people pick the same class over and over again too. When I first started I only played one class, and it wasn't until I started playing every class that I really got into the game. Im also a little tired of seeing assassins and tanks running away and not making plays at all, Snipers that go straight for explosive rounds to make up for poor gun skill and for juice, assaults who won't die to get that kill on a support or gunner to gain map control. If I wanted to play a pub I'd hit Quick Match. Sad that this topic will never make a lick of difference just like all the ones before it though.
All it takes to be good at more than one class is a general understanding of the game. People need to stop trying to learn classes and try and learn the game.
Generally, yes. In pms, no. In pms you need to know the intricacies of what your class can an cannot do in terms of firepower, movement, and to know certain skills usages in situations. General knowledge only gets you so far.
You just need to know how to play the maps and work with your team, it's pretty easy to pick up on how a class works. Shoot and use your skills, easy. Honestly, that last comment sounds very silly. General knowledge is probably the most important part of this and there are 4 players max that understand it. It's seriously the whole game.
this will never happen for a few reasons... captains pick people who are good at one class for that matter and thats usually what they pick them for... Pubs are the best way to get your feet wet then try them in pms...
Because whenever I try to play Assault/Gunner in a pub, there will inevitably be someone on the other team that won't let me. Whether it's Satoshi playing his ballmustgodownin30seconds Assassin or the wonderful juice chaining Assault/Gunner known as Taggerung, it's pretty hard to find a lobby in which I can actually play a class I'm not great with.
Huh? Probably because it's the easiest class to play as and people prefer choiio for company over me.