This image shows my base, Next to a graveyard of a good 100-200 of my dead tanks. Every 1-2 mins all my tanks randomly exploded, they came under no artillery or vehicle fire whatsoever. This continued throughout the game and this pic was taken around 1 hour into the game. What do you guys reckon? P.S I knew all the players on my team very well, So I strongly doubt it was down to the "Delete" bug.
I was in that game. I'm pretty sure I was the only one left on my team, because no ones else was issuing any commands that I could see. I def. wasn't doing anything hacky, just building and playing as normal. But I did fly over all the units and saw a mass grave yard. It looked like someone had selected all their units and then hit delete to me.
Indeed it does, but these are pro players that I know, not the type of people that are going to be messing around, so I doubt it.
I remember seeing a youtube video of something similar to this happening before teamplay was introduced. Of course even then I can't be sure he didn't accidentally delete the wave of units on accident. But essentially they all died, I'd chalk it up to bugs of some kind, hacking is usually hard to pull off in RTS game, since it's hard to tell the server to do something it's not supposed to do.
I cant see why some one would need to or want to <hack/cheat> in an alpha to begin with, there's no reward for them doing so, after all we are not playing the game but testing and tbh from what i can see your team mates didn't like you, but if this happens all the time perhaps if more people are seeing this happen, its more towards being a [bug]
Preparation. You've got time to analyse and exploit the code. Bonus points for testing it now because people are more inclined to dismiss things as bugs because it's in :alpha: That said, I really don't think it's a hacker.
Both options (Hack or delete) would indicate that somebody trolled, even when you are saying that you can´t think of anybody in your game who could done that. And a hack that destroys the units in a way like a issued self-destruct command would do? I don´t know... If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck... it is a duck (in 99% of the cases).